Chapter 8: She was kidnapped

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Jai: cannot leave me like this...After mom you are the only one who took my care...Then how you can leave me like this....You just wake up then I will both of that brothers who are making you suffer...

Back to the story

Saying all this he started to remember some old moments...


Jai: Di..I hate salad I won't eat it...

Avu: is healthy eat it...

Jai: No...

Avu: Then, I will not talk to you...

Jai: Ok..I will eat it but please talk to me, I have no one else than you and dad...

Avu: cute bhai...I will always be there for you don't worry...


Sid on call

Sid: Avneet home??

Jai: No, what happened??

Sid: She was very much angry when she left...I don't know where she is now...She is not picking my call also...

Jai: Ok, I will call her wait...

Sid: Ok.. (saying this he cuts the call)

Jai called Avneet but the phone was switched off..

Two days passed but Avneet didn't come back...

Finally Jai approached to the police...and filed the complain...

After 10 days..

Officer: Mr.Jai your sister is kidnapped...

Jai: What??

Officer: Yes...She was kidnapped 12 days ago...We found out that she is kidnapped near your house only...

Jai froze on the spot and could not believe what the officer was saying...

Jai: What are you saying officer...

Officer: is true...She was kidnapped near a bakery from which she was buying a cake...

Flashback ends..

Jai: Since then I never celebrated my birthday.... Day before yesterday aunty (Sid's mom) called me and told that she found you and you are with her...
I couldn't believe and I was just dancing in joy...I ran to the airport booked my flight for India...But this wasn't the condition in which I wanted to meet you...After two year's I met you and now I want my goofiy di back...Get up di...

With Sid

Doc: There is a good news Mr.Nigam..

Abhi: What??

Doc: Siddharth is showing recovery... His condition is getting better but slowly...

Abhi (with a small smile of hope on his face): When will he gain back his consciousnes...

Doc: Well...we cannot say anything about that...maybe a day, maybe 2 days or may be more than that...

After 3 days...

Abhishek was sitting near Siddharth holding his hand...

While Sid got up with a jerk...

Sid: Dad....

Abhi hugging him and carresing his back...

Abhi: Calm down Sid... Calm down...

Sid (crying in Abhi's embrace): What was my mistake dada?? If she wanted to take revenge, she could have beaten me, handed me to the police...or even killed me but why dad??? She was the one whom dad loved like her own daughter...


Sid's Dad: Sid where are you???

Sidneet coming out of the room...

Sid ran to his dad and hugged him...

Sid: I love you dad...I missed you so much...Have you bought any gift for me...

Sid's dad: Wait...wait....First let me give Avneet her present...

Sid: What???I am your will give me first or her first...

Sid's dad: I agree you are my son but Avneet is my daughter first...

Sid stood with a angry cute pout there...

Avu taking the present: Thank you so much dad...

Sid's dad: Doesn't are also my daughter...

Flashback ends

Sid: She never loved me... neither dad...She always pretended...

Abhi: Sid...calm down...We will discuss all that later... Now my priority is you...

Sid: But dada...

Abhi: Shhh...Finger on your lips...

Though Abhi was also filled with anger and sadness he also wanted to cry but he stayed strong for Sid and always suppressed his emotions...But this time it was being more difficult for him...So, he called Sumellika and Vaishnavi there and went out...

Sid was just sitting on his bed and crying...

Vaishu di: See have to be strong...I know it is tough but still... First you have to cure yourself and then think about other things... be continued...

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