Chapter 19: Someone's presence

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Sm: Listen Sid I don't really know any other language leaving English and Hindi, so please tell me in that only....

Sid: Mom I got resticated from college for 2 days....

Back to the story

Sm: What??

Sid: Yes mom...(looking down)

Sm: Siddharth I told you na, I don't want any compromise in your studies....Aa..wait I got it, you haven't received my sweet gifts since a week...That is only the reason of your insincerety....

A/n: Samjhe ki nhi....

Sid:(abruptly) No, mom....I don't want such type of gifts....I am sorry next time it will not be repeated...

Sm:(Sugar coated yet threatening voice) Better not repeat it or else get ready for my sweet hands on your soft cheeks.....

Sid: No mom, such situation will not come again....

Sm: Hmm...Now do one thing you are free na today, so I have some work for you....

With Avneet

Avneet told her dad about her restication....

Ad: Avneet...This is not good...It was your first day at your college and you got resticated on first day itself....

Avu: It wasn't my fault dad....

Ad (sarcastically): Ha ha...I know my daughter is such an innocent girl....

Avneet rolled her eyes....

Avu: Anyways today I am going to visit our old house.....

Ad: Why??

Avu: Just I feel like recalling all the good memories spent there with you and mom....

Avu: Maybe I get to know something about him...As we were neighbors....

Ad: As your wish....But don't get too late....

Avu: Okk..So I am leaving....

She kissed her dad on his cheek....

Avu: Bye....

Ad: Bye...

Ad(in mind): She is still a kid.....

With Sid

Sid: Which work???

Sm: You go to our old house and collect the rent from the pg living there....

Sid: Why me mom??

Sm glared at him...

Sid: I think I should go... Maybe I get to know something about her... Though I visit every Sunday in hope that she will come back but still.... Let's see what destiny has planned...

Sid: Accha ok going....

Saying this he left....

He sat in his car

At his old house...

He rang the bell. After sometime an old lady came out. She greeted Sid and gave him the money..And as always he asked her if any girl visited here finding someone and as always that lady answer was no...

And after that he went to Avneet's old house...To spend sometime there remembering some sweet but blurred memories....

A/n: Avneet's house is now just an abandoned building...It is not even in a good condition as they wanted to it same as it was years before...So, that whenever they visit back India they can relive those memories....

After a while Avu reached there...

Avu's house

Avu's house

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It was not that big

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It was not that big...It was a simple bunglow filled with lots of happy and sad memories...

Avu first went to her room where she used to live...(pic 2) She saw many things of her childhood lying there...But she was getting some different vibes.... She was feeling an unknown happiness as well as the presence of someone close to her heart...But she ignored it as she felt it was just because she visited here after a long time....

Whereas Sid was sitting in the garden on the swing...(pic 3) staring at the other one which was empty....He was recalling the time which they spent playing on these swings only... Though he visited every Sunday here but this time he was getting a different vibe..He was feeling presence of someone close to his heart, but he ignored it thinking that it was just because he was missing Avneet....

He was lost in his thoughts as well as the calm and cool environment of the place....Just then he heard soft sobs of someone.... be continued....

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