Chapter 14: Cute Sidneet

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Avu: Is it Sid?

Sid: Yes...See what I bought?? He took out the chocolates and Hairband from his pocket...

Back to the story

He kept all the things in her hand..

Avu: You bought it...

Sid: Yes...Now no Katti na

Avu: Yess...Dosti...

Sid smiled


Jan: Aww....You both were so cute...

Sid: Yeah....

Jan: I love your bonding...

Sid smiled sheepishly

Sid: It was all good...But after her mother died...


Sid: Avneet.... Avneet....Listen to me ...

Avu: Sid... please go I don't want to talk to anyone...

Sid: But talking to no one won't bring your mother back...

Avu: So, talking to you will it bring my mother back??

Sid had no answer to this question so he went back....

1 month passed Avneet and Siddharth didn't talk...

It was 13th September...

Sid: Today is my birthday....I know Avneet will come and wish me today....

It was 5:00 pm by now...

Sid: Where is Avneet she was it is evening now...Why she didn't wish me..Is she angry on me...But what I did...Why I am getting punishment for a deed that I never did...

With this a tear leaked down his eyes but he controlled his emotions...

Sid: Enough...Now I will only go and meet her... I can not leave her like that... She is so sad... I will go and talk to her and play with her....

Sid went to his mom for permission...

Sid: Mom can I go to Avneet's house...

Sm: What you will do there??

Sid: Matlab I will go and meet Avneet and play with her...

Sm: Arre but Avneet and her dad shifted to London last week only na..

And with this sentence his whole world went upside down....

Sid: What???

Tears started rolling down his eyes... He ran to his room and sat down with the support of a wall hugging his knees...

Sm (in mind): I know Sid it's really tough time for you because the friend you grown up with suddenly went to another place without even telling you....

Flashback inside the flashback😂😂

Avu: Aunty can I meet Sid for the last time before going....

Sm: Avneet beta I know you want to meet him but if you will meet him...It will become really hard for him to let you go...

Avu: You are right aunty....I won't meet him... otherwise it will get more difficult for me also....

Flashback inside flashback ends😂😂😂

Sid: Avneet you are so bad....I won't talk to you till you come and say sorry to me...Katti....

Each day was hard for Sid....His best friend was now not with him and not even called him even once...Sid missed Avu everyday....

While on the other hand...
Avneet was too busy and too lost that she almost forgot about Sid...But it was not her mistake situations made her priority change...It was really tough for her to adapt living in London...With completely different people, different culture...She was so lonely there....But anyhow she engrossed herself in studies to forget her pain of losing her mother....

After 1 year

Today is the result of 3rd std of both Siddharth and Avneet....

Avu: Dad my result???

Ad: Show me....

Avu gave the report card to her dad...

Ad: 94% Amazing Avneet....

While with Sid....

Sm: Show me your result Siddharth....

Sid: No mom..

Sm: Show it Sid beta....

Sid: No...

Sm snatched his report card from his hand....

Sm: Only 24% Sid....

Sid was looking down avoiding the eye contact...

Sm: What is it Siddharth?? You were the topper last year na...So now what happened this time??

Sid didn't say anything, he just went to his room as if he doesn't care at all about his results....

While with Avneet....

Avu: Papa you remember how Sid scolded me.... (Imitating Sid) Avneet what is this?? I am the topper of the class and my best friend got only 54% You should work hard next time...

Saying this she started laughing....

Avu: Sid was so funny...

But soon her tone became serious and she said...

Avu: Papa I miss Siddharth so much...I couldn't even meet him for the last time when we left India....

Ad: O my princess... don't be sad...Wait let's call Sid's mom...Then you can talk to him... be continued....

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