Chapter 21: Are they same??

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Sid: Wait Miss I don't have this much free time.....And I have no interest in stalking you....

Avu: Then tell me why you were here??

Back to the story

Sid: I came here because...Wait wait why should I tell you...You Miss mind your own business...Most Arrogant dumb....

Saying this he sat in his car and left..

He was driving the car smoothly, when acar rushed from his left side at a high speed....

Sid: Is he/she mad?? Why is the peron driving the car like this....

After 10 mins. He saw a car with a great damage and two girls fighting like they will eat each other....

He stopped his car to see what happened....

Sid: Umm...I think I have seen that girl...O yes I remember she is non other than Miss Mad....Ufff..why she is always busy fighting with people...And yaa I remember that car also.... This was the car passed at a high speed 10 mins before....It means it's her car....

Meanwhile Avu...

Avu: You don't you have eyes....

Someone: I think I should ask you this...

Avu: Uuuggg....I wanna beat you right now...

Someone: Excuse me Miss it is your mistake you were driving at a high speed not me...

With Sid

Sid: I have to do something otherwise they will keep fighting.....

Sid went out of his car...He went towards Avu, kept his hand on her mouth and carried her on his shoulder....She was continuously beating his back...But it affected him less....He went to his car, made her sit on the passenger seat and he himself sat on the driver seat and started his car...

Sid: We are first going to my house, I will dress your wounds then I will drop you at your house...

Avu: I am not interested in this plan...

Sid: I am not asking you, I am telling you....

Avu: Uugghh..Why are you so stubborn....

Sid(copying Avu's tone): And why are you always ready to fight...

Avu sat down quitely as she had no answer...She picked the dairy from her hand bag and started reading it....(the diary mentioned in last ch)

(the diary mentioned in last ch)

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After reading this page...

Avu: Yeah!!!I got it...I got it....

Sid: What??

Avu: Umm... Nothing...You focus on driving Mr....

Sid rolled his eyes, getting irritated....

Avu (in mind): I finally got to know his name...His name is Siddharth...I still don't know his surname but it's ok, I will find out that also...

Sid: By the way what is your name?? If you don't mind telling me...

Avu: My name is Avneet... Avneet Kaur....

Sid: Nice name, beautiful....

Avu blushed unknowingly...But Sid didn't notice it as he was busy in his thoughts....

Sid(in mind): Why I feel this name is familiar to me??

Avu: What is your name??

Sid: Siddharth Nigam

Listening this her eyes widened....

Avu (in mind): Is he the one I am searching for?? he can be..We have so many Siddharth in this world...He can not be that Siddharth...
He was completely different from this one...

Thinking this she was trying to satisfy herself but still wasn't satisfied with the justification.... Somewhere in deep she knew that she gets the same vibes from both and maybe he is only that Sid...But she wasn't ready to accept it...So, she decided to check...

Avu: Do you have a brother??

Sid: Yess...

Avu: W..what is his name?? be continued....

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