Chapter 20: God save me

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He was lost in his thoughts as well as the calm and cool environment of the place....Just then he heard soft sobs of someone....

Back to the story..

Sid's POV

I was sitting in the garden lost in my thoughts, when I heard someone's sobs....I am really confused and a little scared at the same time....But I decided to go and check...The sound was coming from Avu's room if I am not wrong....I started baby steps in that direction with fully alert mind and ready face any situation....I am curious to know who would be there as I don't think anyone other than me has intrest in coming here....

POV ends....

Avu's POV

I am really overwhelmed to see all my belongings which I used years before...And they are kept still in that condition....I took most of them to London but still some were left here....
I was looking around, when my eyes suddenly got stuck on a diary....I took it in my hands nad cleaned the dust accumulated over it...

I took it in my hands nad cleaned the dust accumulated over it

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It was the dairy I used to write... I was 6 or 7.....I started reading it...It was filled with spelling and grammatical errors obviously because I was too small to write everything properly...I was able to feel wetness over my cheeks which made me realise that I was crying...But rather than controlling them I let them out because I was holding them since years....I was so lost reading it that I didn't bother about anything...While reading the dairy a soft sob escaped my mouth which brought me back to my senses...I thought to keep this diary with me and read it afterwards as it was getting late...I kept it in my hand bag...I went to the room which was next to mine...Just then I heard footsteps of someone....I got really confused and went to check outside....

POV ends

Sid's POV

I slowly went inside Avu's room but no one was there...I think it was my misconception...So, I least bothered about it...And started to explore the room...

POV ends

Avu's POV

I went to check outside but to my surprise no one was there....So, I went to the garden and sat on the swing while remembering the moments I spent there with mom and Sid...I sat there for 10 mins...And then I decided to leave....It was dark by now so, I used my mobile flashlight and started to head towards the gate....

POV ends....

Sid also decided to leave..As it was late....

Sid's POV

I headed towards the entrance...It was dark so, I was using mobile's flashlight...But then I saw another beam of light coming towards my direction....I was scared...But somehow I composed myself and started chanting god's name...O God save me from all kinds of evil spirits, and specially of girls because I know I am handsome...
(A/n: God be like: Nautanki kahika😂😂)
I was sweating badly....I started walking as fast as I could but the light also started more and more closer to me... It came just in front of me and the light entered my eyes....And all went white for a while....I very slowly tried to open my eyes and and....

POV ends...

They both saw each other and screamed at the top of their voice.... Sid ran outside while Avu ran inside the house....

After few minutes they composed themselves and Avu also came out... She saw Sid standing there and frowned in anger...She walked towards him and held his collar....

Avu: Mr what you are doing here??

Sid: Miss I can also ask you the same question...

Saying this he jerked her hand....

Avu: I came here for some work...

Sid: Me too...

Avu: Do you even have any work in your life other than stalking me....

Sid: Wait Miss I don't have this much free time.....And I have no interest in stalking you....

Avu: Then tell me why you were here??

Sid: I came here because...... be continued...

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