Chapter 4: A big shock

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Avu: I asked are you a thief??

Sid: Noo...

Avu: If you are not a thief then will you be my friend as I am looking for a friend since I came here in this big, friends??

Back to the story

Sid froze for a second as these weren't the words that he expected from her after what all happened in the past...

Avu: Excuse me.. I am asking something and I have a condition that if you will give me lots of chocolates....then only I will be your friend...

Sid (shouting): Shut upp... Why you are behaving like this? Are you teasing me?? Listen I have suffered alot because of you but now not any more just get away from me and don't you dare to come close to me...

Avu got scared after Sid's behaviour and sobbing silently she went to her room....and Sid also went to his room...

The next morning

The whole house was a mess and Sm was running behind Avu...

Sm: Avu.... beta come here.... drink this milk... It is healthy for you...

Avu: No, it's not yummy...

Sm: Avu... Please... Listen to your aunty...

Avu: No....

And soon running in the whole house they entered in Sid's room where he was sleeping peacefully but he was not aware of that his peace is going to end soon...

Running... Running... Avu stepped on Sid's bed and lost her balance, she fell down on him and Sid woke up with a jerk..

As soon as he opened his eyes he saw Avu on him...

And with in no time he was lost in those beautiful eyes..

But soon Sid broke the eye contact and pushed her....

While Avneet also remembered the night incident where Sid shouted on her... So, she got scared and hid behind Sm.

Sid: Mom just take her away from me... Subah subah mood kharab kar diya ( spoiled the mood in morning itself)

Avu: Aunty.. let's go away from here. He is a bad guy, he scolded me so much last night...

Sid: I... I am a bad guy.... Then what you did that time....You...

He was going to speak when Sm cuts his words..

Sm: Avu beta you go down and drink this milk... I have to talk something to him.... Ok beta....

Avu: Yes aunty...(She glared at Sid and went down...)

Sid: Mom.... See na... How she is a 9 year old kid... Like she doesn't remember anything what happened in the past....

Sm: Yaa... Dear it's something like that only she has lost her memory and even forgot that she is an adult now not a nine year old kid...

Sid(shockingly): What???How did this happen?

Sm: That I also don't you have to treat like you are her new friend and don't talk anything about the past as if she gives stress on her mind then it will not be good for her...

Sid: friend???

Sm: Yes... You have to be friends with her till she is fine again...

Sid: Yeah mom... I will try...

Sm: Good....

Sid: But only till she is well again...

Sm: Okk..and yes I have one more surprise for you...

Sid: Not again mom...

Sm: No.. no .. this time it is a good one...

Sid: Ok then tell...

Sm: Abhishek, Vaishnavi, Sumedh and Mallika are coming back from their Manali trip tomorrow... And Jai is also coming back from London...

Sid: Oh..Yes...Now this is a good news...Now I will get free from that girl as Jai will take care of her....

Sm: Yes but one more thing...

Sid: What??

Sm: See Sid Jai will come tomorrow... But the problem is that Avneet as lost all her memory...

Sid: So???

Sm: So, it will take some time for her to be familiar with Jai so, she will live with us only and maybe Jai also as they have sold all their houses which were in India...

Sid: Hmm..

Sm: And yes one more thing...I am going to Delhi for a week..So, you have to take care of Avneet and take her for sessions to the doctor...

Sid: No...

Sm: Sid you have to do this atleast till she becomes familiar with Jai... be continued...

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