Chapter 5: Silent Love

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Sid: So???

Sm: So, you have to take care of Avneet and take her for regular sessions to the doctor...

Sid: No...

Sm: Sid you have to do this atleast till she becomes familiar with Jai...

Back to the story

Sid: No way mom...

Sm: Sid you have to do it...Just for some days.... Then Jai will come back and you know who is her doctor...

Sid: Who?

Sm: Jannat

Sid: Jannat Zubair???

Sm: Yes, your school friend..

Sid: Ok.. I will go....

Sm: Hmm... Now come down for breakfast.. Meanwhile let me check Avneet what she is doing??

Sid: Yeah..

Sid got ready and went down for breakfast...and sat on the dining table while Avneet was sitting with Sm in front of him...

Sid(Nonchalantly): I am sorry..

Avu: What???

Sid (loudly): I am sorry for what happened at yesterday night...

Avu(excitedly): No problem, So now friends...

Sid hesitated a little but then he remembered what Sm said


Avu: So now eat fast we will play after that...

Sid couldn't deny her cuteness and the innocent words...

Avu was eating very fast while Sid was just busy watching her and was lost in her cuteness...

While Sid's mom intrupted "Don't you have to eat Sid or fulfil your stomach watching her only"

Sid: I wish I could watch her like this only, the rest of my life....

After a second he realised what he said and tried to change the topic...

Sid: soup is tasty na..

Avu: Yess... I want more...

After having breakfast Avneet took Sid to play some video games with her....

They were sitting on a sofa and enjoying the game...

Sid: I am gonna win this time...

Avu: No, I will win Sid...

Sid (in mind: Did she just call me Sid...)

While Sid was busy thinking Avu won the game...

Avu excitedly stood on the sofa..and started dancing only with her hands..

Sid: Yaar you won again...

Avu: Again???We are playing for the first time...


(To change the topic Sid pulled Avu's leg and Avu fall down..on Sid..)

Both were sharing an eye contact..

Sid: You are so... beautiful...

Avu got up and started dancing singing

"Main itni sundar hu main kya karoon"

While all this was going on Rehan entered..

Re: Hey Sid! We are getting late.... today we have our meeting... Come

Sid to Avu: Ho Gaya drama ( Done with the drama) Now I am going...

Sid to Re: Now let's go....

Avu: Bye... Come home soon and bring some... Chocolates for me...

Sid and Rehan sat in the car...
While Rehan was driving..

Re: Sid... aren't you getting to closer to her.. I think it is too early let her atleast apologize...

Sid: No Rehan, it's not like that... She has lost all her memory...So, it's my duty to help her till she is well again..then she will again go from my life...

Re: Ohhh...But you should not forgive her I suggest...

Sid: Hmmm and Ya I have to tell you something.. I think I won't be coming to office for tomorrow and maybe day after tomorrow also because mom is going out.. so, I have to take care of Avu..

Re: Avu??

Sid: I mean Avneet..

And rest of the day went normally.. Sid got new investors in his company... He brought chocolates for Avneet while coming back...

The next day

Sm: I am leaving for the airport Sid...

Sid: Have a good journey mom...

Sm: Take care of Avneet...Take her to the sessions to the doctor....

Sid: ok..Good bye mom....Have a safe journey....

Sm: Bye...

Saying this Sm left...

Avu started crying badly....

Sid (concerned): What happened Avu?

.....To be continued

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