Chapter 29: Trip

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Sid: Coming... coming....Just a minute...

Saying this he hanged up the call...

Sid: Ok bye....I will meet you afterwards. You both take care of Avu..

Back to the story..

Sid: Hii..

Jan: Hii...

Sid: First let's place the order....

Jan: Hmm...I will give it...

Sid: Ok...

Jan placed the order....

Jan: So, I think you want to say something.....

Sid: Yes.... Actually you were right.... Avneet was kidnapped....

Jan: Hmm....

Sid: You know what....I was such a dumb....My love was suffering since two years and I....I...was also busy blaming her for all the situation....

Jan: Sid you should not blame yourself for everything.....The situations are responsible.....

Sid: But Jan I think Avu getting kidnapped, death of my dad and his dad....All these things aren't a coincidence....I think someone is behind it....

Jan: maybe right....And if it's like this....You should find the person behind all this.....

Sid: Hmm....

Rest all they had chit-chat on random topics and after sometime Jannat left....

After that Sid called Mallika there....

Sid: Di, sit I want to talk to you...

Mallika: Hm...Say Sid...

Sid: Di, see Jannat told me to make Avu remember about past life....

Mallika: Hm...

Sid: So, you have to help me in this....

Mallika: How??

Sid: You have to be with Avu..... Spend as much time as you can with her....As you were her best friend and she spent some really good moments of her life with you.....

Mallika: Ok...

With this they discussed some more things about Avu's health and had their coffee....

Mallika: Chalo fir now I think I should go back to Avu's room....

Sid: Ha...ha....go fast someone would be dying there.....As I have taken his oxygen with me....

Hearing this Mallika burst out laughing, joined by Sid....

Sid: You go and I will go home and talk to dada...

Mallika: Haa...but take care of yourself.... Don't take much stress as you also know that stress is harmful for you..... Don't worry about Avu we will take care of her....

Sid: Hmm...bye...

After that he went to his home....It was night by now.....He went to the pool side, where Abhishek was sitting with his feet in cold water looking at the stars......

Sid went there and kept his hand on Abhi's shoulder......

Sid: May I....

Abhi nodded and Sid sat beside him... There was complete silence for next few minutes.....Cold breeze was hitting their bodies calming them....Both were looking at the stars....Probably finding their dad in them....After few minutes Sid finally decided to break the silence....

Sid: Dada......

Abhi: Hmm....

Sid: Dada...I know you miss dad so much like me, but you never show it....

Abhi: Hmm....

Sid: But dada, Avu is not the one behind our dad's death....

Abhi: What do you mean by that Sid?? You only told me na...

Sid: Yaa...Dada...I know that but it was a misunderstanding....

Sid told everything to Abhi....

Abhi: But was Avu's car only...

Sid: Yes, dada....and that's why I am pretty sure, it was someone's plan in which we all got trapped....

Abhi: Who can it be Sid?? We don't even have such enemies who can go till this extent.....

Sid: Hmm....We will soon find it out....

Abhi: Hmm.

Sid: But apart from this Avu's health is utmost important and I have a plan for that....

Abhi: Yes...Sid, if she gains her memory back then we can easily find out who is behind all this.....

Sid: Yes....So, my plan is we can take Avu for a trip....As she loved to go on trips....

Abhi: Yaa..I remember very well she loved to go on trips without informing you, which was always the reason of fight between you both....


Sidneet were in college....It was 15 days Avu didn't turned up to college and Sid was hella worried as well as angry as she didn't informed him....

On the 16th day

Sid came to college...But not in a normal mood he was fuming in anger... Looking at him all gulped... They knew one or the other disaster is ahead....

He directly walked towards the canteen where Sumedh and Mallika was there....

Mallika: Sid calm down aa jayegi vo...(she will come...)

Sid didn't said anything because he knew that if he even spoke a word he would burst out.... be continued....

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