I want to let it go and forget,
Forget and erase
Every trace, the scars, the pain,
That you clawed at me.
I want to stop and forget,
Forget everything and start a spring
Of fresh beginnings,
Where I never would've met you.
I want to forget that I cried
On your shoulder that night,
That you said I was your everything
When you were thinking about her.
I want to end it here so badly,
I want to stop, forget everything.
But they tell me love and happiness
Is worth the pain.
But nothing is worth the pain
The hurt, the grey, the rain
You put me through.
Nothing is worth a broken heart.
The sorrow is equal to the love,
There's always storms after sunshine.
Live life to the fullest, they have said,
But what's the point?
Is death a defeat?
What purpose is there in living
When you know you're going to lose,
That you're meant to lose?
What's the purpose of living it through?
Why not just end it here?
But then also, what's the purpose of ending it?
Why not smile because you had the chance to be born?
But no matter how joy washes over me,
No matter how tall the waves are,
Taller ones of grief and sorrow destroy me,
Leaving the worst marks upon my heart.
If I know I will lose,
If I know I will live in pain no matter what,
Then why not reach a peace earlier?
Why not sleep earlier?
I don't know.
I just want to forget,
That any of this happened.
I just want to start over.
Delete you.
Refresh the page.
Delete knowledge
That pain was ever there.
Poems of Pain and Solitude
PoetryFor every person out there that was quiet, not because they chose to be so, but because they were choking in the smoke. Because their opinions were apparently not worth anything. Because they didn't know just how to say what they felt. For every per...