Dear You,
Did you know I can still hear your voice
Echoing through hallways in my mind?
Is placidity something I'll ever find?
Because for the moment, I've no choices
As to who I love and who I miss
But I know it's always been like this.
Your voice is like an old favourite song,
One that made me feel like I belonged
Somewhere. But now it's all gone.
Forsaken days of laughters full of truth,
The magic in naive youth.
Not the nights of misery
And doubt for every choice you make
Or step you take.
I set reminders to forget you,
And the way your lullabies would pull
At the cords of my heartstrings
Making me feel full,
Instead of empty, like I've lost something
From my soul.
Life can throw stones
But I dodged them, pain on my face
As they landed into this lonely lake
Where the trees weep on their own
Branches longingly brushing the surface.
The rose's wilt has died
And given up a part of herself to feel alive.
The stones would ricochet
Ripples of calamitous luck,
That one would call love.
Wavering water,
Tracing a thousand circles,
A frail perfection to be ruined
With just a touch of skin.
Can the echo come before the scream?
Everything I live is a daydream
And I'm not sure I'm living, feeling.
Is anything real?
Hope is nothing but a mirage
Under a colored camouflage
Of dreams.
People have dreams, but do they have hope?
Most of the times we're tied by ropes
Pulling us down when we soar.
But I know that we've never had wings
To start with.
Writing for hours in a black and white room
Blinded by the mocking moon.
Letters inked in blood
Where I pour my heart out,
Poems of Pain and Solitude
PoetryFor every person out there that was quiet, not because they chose to be so, but because they were choking in the smoke. Because their opinions were apparently not worth anything. Because they didn't know just how to say what they felt. For every per...