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YOU COULD FEEL THE SUNLIGHT warming your exposed skin. You took your usual walks around the town. With Mr. Froppé in arms, you took slow steps on the streets, while the vehicles beside zoomed passed.

The weather was really hot. Sometimes makes you want to lay down and sunbathe on top of a rock. But today was too hot that you could feel your body sweating. Your clothes weren't suited for a hot day like this.

You had an oversized pink sweater for a school uniform, a short white skirt with black trim. Along with white loose socks and black platform shoes. Why were you wearing a school uniform? Because they felt comfortable to wear, that's it.

You wiped off a sweat on your forehead with your sleeve, and shielding your eyes from the sun. "I should have brought an umbrella..." You muttered to yourself, knowing that there's nothing else you can really do at the moment to subdue the heat you were feeling.

Staring down at Mr. Froppé, his ears were laid flat and you decided to shield him instead with your hand. "Sorry, Mr. Froppé. I guess we have to cut our walk short this time. It's really hot, even for you." You gave him a wry smile.

But then you had an idea popped up in your mind. Maybe I could buy an umbrella... You could just go back home and enjoy the cool air, but you really didn't want to end your walk on an unsatisfying note, so you quickly made your way to a nearby store. A store that... sells a lot of things, you supposed.

You looked around for umbrella, and the cashier guy was giving you weird looks. Maybe because you were wearing a school uniform. Not that you cared what he thought though. You eventually found some and dug into your pockets for cash.

500 yen... Another 500... 10 yen... 100 yen... You furrowed your brows. This should be enough for an umbrella, right? And to your expectation, the umbrellas were mostly under 1,000 yen. The corners of your lips curled up as you hurriedly bought it and stepped out.

"Huh?" You saw droplets of water coming down from the sky. And to think just a minute ago, it was sunny. Before you could even think, the light rain soon became a freaking thunderstorm.

The weather sure is strange...

Thankfully you had decided to find some shelter, and got an umbrella no less. So now you can go back home with much assurance... was that you wanted to think, until you saw another person also hiding under the rain.

"Mr. Froppé, look." You turned your friend to where you're looking. "That's Blondie. He picked you off the floor, remember?" But then you saw a lot of bandages on his face. You wondered if he was badly injured in some accident.

"Blondie" felt eyes watching him and turned to that direction, seeing you as he had quoted "the girl with a bunny," and broke eye contact. He wasn't used to ladies after all. Him? A delinquent? With girls? Psh, whatever.

Back to you, you saw that the rain wasn't gonna let up anytime soon, and you stared between your newly bought umbrella and Blondie. "Hmm..." Umbrella. "Humm...?" Blondie. "Mmn..." Umbrella? "Nng..." Blondie?

It was amusing for Chifuyu to see you make weird faces, mumbling some mumbo-jumbo and staring back and forth between the umbrella and him. In the end, you decided to just talk to him to see.

Bye-bye monthly allowance.

Just as you took a couple steps towards him, you halted. But what if... he doesn't need it? You shook your head, tightening your arms (slightly crushing Mr. Froppé a little), puffed your chest up and promptly made your way over to him. You held out the umbrella to him. "Want an umbrella?"

Chifuyu stared at your umbrella for a second, before realizing that you only had one and refused. "No thanks. I can wait for the rain to stop."

You... wanted to puke blood. "Wow... Thanks for deteriorating my confidence. I feel great." You mumbled immediately. To your dismay, Blondie had heard what you said and panicked.

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