ᴛᴡᴇɴᴛʏ ꜰɪᴠᴇ

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THE ARM HE HAD EXTENDED out fell back to his side. He had only wanted you to not join the fight.

"[Last Name]-san will die." Takemichi carefully said. "In the fight against Tenjiku... she'll have a panic attack and be stabbed to death."

He remembered those words carefully. Like his partner had said, it was probably the unfamiliar environment and stress of the place that caused the panic attack. He tried to warn you, in a way that wouldn't worry you, but in the end, he caused you to run away.

Did he do the right thing? Maybe he should properly apologise after he fought with Tenjiku.

He quickly shook his head. No... I'm doing the right thing. She'll die if she go.

Staring at the direction you ran off, he was beginning to feel the guilt.



Your foot kicked a rock. Small pieces of your hair had blocked your view. Usually, you'd blow them away, but you didn't even bothered to do that.

You're not a weak person. You know how to fight. Your uncle taught you, who fought in the war. He was a professional solider. Despite all things, he held his head high and didn't falter.

Don't be sad. Don't be sad. Don't be― Aww...

Hot tears blurred your vision. Just thinking about it makes you upset.

But he's right... I am weak.

You can't defend yourself against the people at school. You can't speak up to the teachers without solid evidence of the bullying. You let them walk all over you like a doormat. You don't deny or affirm anything they say about you.

You pretend not to be hurt by their words and actions. You cry to yourself to bed with Mr. Froppé sometimes. So much that you don't even feel like crying. As if you had ran out of tears to shed.

"Eh? [Last Name]-chan!?"

Emma came running at you, shocked. "Why are you crying!? Here, use this." She dabbed away your tears with her handkerchief, muttering something about being glad she brought it with her. She sat down next to you.

Weird thing was that you didn't even push her away.

You sniffed, "...I had an arguement with Chifuyu-san."

"Oh..." She sat back. "Boys, huh?" She said. "Toman's going to fight Tenjiku, but he told me that he doesn't want me to go. Then I asked if he trusts me or not, which then led me to think he sees me as weak and I ran off crying. But now that I think about it now, that's probably not the case and now he hates me and I'm saaaad!!" Tears came rolling down again which she quickly helped wiped away.

"I'm sure he doesn't hate you. I mean, he doesn't want to fight because he cares about you." Emma explained. "Boys have a weird way of showing they care. They might say really mean things, but they're just trying to protect you because they care."

"...I wouldn't know. I don't get anything for Valentine's." You sobbed again into Emma's hanky. She sweatdropped, but continued. "Chifuyu doesn't want you to come because he doesn't want you to get hurt. I heard from Mikey that Tenjiku's a gang full of pretty ruthless guys. So, cheer up, [Last Name]-chan!" She patted you on the back, smiling from ear to ear.

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