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THE MEETING ENDED WITH Kisaki and Hanma getting "fired" like workers doing poorly at their jobs. Which is a good thing, Takemichi thought.

They all gathered up to see you, still sitting in the same spot, pouting and twiddling your fingers with Mr. Froppé sitting between your legs.

"[Name]!! We're back! We can play now." Mikey exclaimed merrily, skipping over to you. You turned around with a slightly saddened expression. "Hm? ...Oh, are you okay?"

"I'm not okay." You stared down.

"We're sorry about that, [Last Name]." Mitsuya apologized politely. "We didn't think that would happen."

You mumbled quietly, "I feel really awful now." Takemichi quickly stepped in. "W-Well, at least you're fine now, right? No more panic attacks?"

You blinked, and turned back to them. "Um... I was talking about Fredric the Third." Surprised, he let you continue. "Marcus is really depressed now, and Rebecca got diagnosed with post-traumatic stress disorder."

"Oh." Chifuyu took Takemichi's place and stepped up. "What about your panic attack? Do you really feel okay after that?" He asked you, an unpleasant feeling bubbling up in his chest as he awaited your reply. You slowly stood, bringing Mr. Froppé up with you. "I'll be fine so long as I take my medication."

Your eyes shrunk a little, staring at Mikey. "Sorry for distracting your members. I won't give any petty excuses for my actions. I promise I'll behave obediently next time." Something about your apology seemed off to them. They didn't think you were the type to say stuff like this, but they did just met you a few weeks ago. Chifuyu, however, knowing your background, you probably got that from apologising to your dad.

He wanted to say something, but thought to have Mikey do it in his place instead since you were talking to him.

Mikey made a pouting face. "Come on, [Name]. Don't be like that. We probably could've stop him but we didn't. So, sorry about that." You exhaled, staring at the ground sideways. "...Why can't you let me apologise?"

"Mm... I wanna go home now." You turned to Chifuyu with an expectant look. "Oh, right. I'll bring you home."

"Bye-bye." You bid Mr. Froppé's arm at them, and followed Chifuyu. Behind you, you heard a chorus of 'goodbyes' from your gangster friends.

The others watched you and Chifuyu walking away, making small talks before finally disappearing in the distance. Draken spoke, "Any reason you're attached to her, Mikey?"

This caught the others' attention as they listened to their president's reply. "...She reminds me of myself somehow." He turned to Draken with a wide grin. "Y'know, like me and my Bobber." He faced the direction where you and Chifuyu were last seen again. "When one of Takemitchy's guys took Mr. Froppé... She looked like she was about to kill someone."

Hm? Takemichi hummed to himself. Now that he mentioned it, [Last Name]-san was really struggling under their grasps. And her eyes were burning into that guy too. Mikey continued. "[Name] is really something, huh?"

"...Yeah." They agreed.


Click... click... click...

You flipped through your mom's old camera, seeing beautiful photos of scenery, birds, butterflies, and sometimes even yourself. Your mom wanted to be a photographer, but your father always insisted her to be a housewife instead, because that's what "all women should become."

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