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THE TENSION IN THE AIR was thick. The two presidents of Toman looked the same as usual, but somehow this time's pre-meeting seemed more serious than before.

Takemichi looked around for you, but you were nowhere to be found. "Chifuyu, [Last Name]-san isn't joining us?" He shrugged, "She told me that she had something to do." Takemichi hummed quietly and dipped his hands into his pockets. "Mikey-kun and Draken-kun both look pretty serious. Wonder if anything happened?"

Chifuyu also threw a glance at the presidents and followed up with Takemichi's question. "Maybe it has something to do with [Last Name]-chan."

Though, their conversation didn't continue when the meeting has started. All the members were posted in their spots and waited for Mikey to start.

Once Mikey stood on the platform, then Takemichi saw you standing a little beside Draken (when did that happen?) with a distant look in your eyes while you rubbed Mr. Froppé's arm up and down. Like in a nervous sense.

He nudged Chifuyu and signaled his eyes to you. You suddenly looked up and met Chifuyu's eyes. You waved to him using Mr. Froppé's arm, but he only gazed at you in confusion.

Mikey opened his mouth, "I call this meeting to introduce and celebrate a new member." Murmurs occured. Your body tensed up a little. You did not expect him to be so blunt about it. At the same time, you saw Takemichi and Chifuyu looking your way. Now you were increasingly becoming more nervous. You could hear some of their whispers.

"Could it be that girl?"

"What? Don't be stupid, dumbass. Why would Mikey take in a flimsy girl?"

"Toman never had girl member before. It's damn possible."

You sucked in your breath. Stop talking. Why are you staring at me? Just shut up. Draken noticed you were getting jittery and breathing heavily too. He stepped closer, hiding his arm behind your form and rubbing your back gently.

You flinched at the contact and looked up at him, but he was only focused on the crowd below. You mentally thanked him and your breathing slowly went back to its normal rate. You should be used to people gossiping and talking behind your back, but it was more of the attention and side-eyes that gets to you. You weren't the weird one. They are.

Mikey let them talk some more before turning to you. "[Name], you're up."

Whaaaat!? Takemichi and Chifuyu had the same reactions in their head. They can't believe you were going to join, and that Mikey was letting you. They watched you stand there with a blank look. "[Last Name] [Name]. Um..." You fumbled with your words when you felt their eyes on you. "Haaah..." You sighed loudly and obviously. "I hate introducing myself. Can we get this over with already?"

You didn't mean to sound so bored and tired of this, but receiving a crowd or some sort of audience's attention really freaks you out. You better make sure to apologise to Mikey and Draken for this.

"[Name] will be joining the 2nd Division." Mikey announced, shocking the 2nd Division Captain. "This is our first female member of Toman, so make sure to treat her well. Meeting dismi―"

"Hol' up!"

Someone interrupted. It was "Killer" aka, the one who killed Fredric the Third. He ignored your presence and stared up at Mikey. "Mikey, with all due respect―" You hummed quietly. "―That chick just ain't suited for this!"

Draken walked over there with an irked expression. The others watched with their guard up. "Oi. Are you saying Mikey made a mistake?"

Killer stepped away a little, obviously imitated but didn't back down. "...I-I just think she's a bad change to this. I mean, how often do we get girls in a gang?"

The members whispered.

"True... It's just mostly guys."

"That girl looks real weak too."

"And that rabbit she's always holdin'. Really annoying."

"Mikey has to see something in her, right?"

"Don't be ridiculous!"

"If Mikey's decision, then I respect that."

"See, Mikey? The majority of the gang agrees with me. That girl isn't―" Killer got cut off. "I can't anymore... I wanna go home..." You groaned, slouching your shoulders. "Hey, don't interrupt me!" The guy shouted at you.

"Heey... Don't shout at me or I'll cut your stomach open!" You yelled back, in a really childlike tone so it didn't really sound like a threat. Which they sweatdropped.

"Ha! I bet you're too afraid to even hold a knife!"

"Well, I bet you're too... um..." You stopped, trying to think of a comeback. "I bet you're too scared to fight against me that you wanna beg to crawl back into your mom's womb for reassurance because your insecurities are that bad!" In all honesty, that's just you. But the comeback you made immediately had the members be all "oohs," "damns" and "yikes."

Mitsuya and Draken grinned at how you defended yourself. Takemichi had his jaw wide opened and his eyes so large they almost popped out of their sockets, silently praying that you don't die to this guy. And Chifuyu was cheering you on, woo-ing enthusiastically. Even Mikey had to force down a smile.

Killer's face was red with anger and embarrassment. "You son of a...!" But he stopped and gave you a big smirk on his face. "Well, how about a duel?"

"Wha?" You faced him with a lack of interest. "Don't be stupid. I don't wanna get beaten up." He saw the frown on your face and confidently taunted, "What, you scared? I thought you were sooo brave." He was clearly provoking you.

"Either way, fighting you sounds like a hassle that I don't want to get into." You shrugged, but then you thought it was a chance to change their minds. If you don't do anything, they (your friends) might be upset that you didn't at least take up the challenge. Even if they knew how much you hate violence. On the other hand, the members of Toman will just keep talking down at you.

"I guess you're just a coward then." Killer said, shaking his head condenscendingly. "Why even join Toman in the first place? Don't you know this is a gang? We don't accept wimps like you!"

"Tell that to Takemichi-san..." You muttered, but loud enough for all to hear.

"Huh― Wha―" Takemichi stammered while Chifuyu had to cover his mouth from bursting in laughter.

"Whatever!" Killer ignored. "But it doesn't change the fact that you're just a whiny little bitch who can't live up to her words." And blah, blah, blah... Keeps taunting you and stuff. I wanna go home already... to Auntie and my fluffy bed. And boxes. Can't forget about the boxes. You pursed your lips. Oh, I wonder how Rock is holding up too.

"Oi, are you even listening to me!?" Killer yelled. You huffed at him and puffed out your cheeks. "Ah, geez! Why is it always people that are like this!?"


"It's like I attract people who hates my guts or something. Why are you so fixated on me?" You genuinely asked, but sort of already guessed the answer. "If you wanna fight so badly, I'll take your challenge! Just don't bother me after." You breathed out some air after that. You felt better after letting off some steam.

Killer certainly did not expect you to accept and give into his provocation, but smirked and provided you the day and time for the duel.

But you just knew you were in for some trouble.

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