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IT WAS RECESS ALREADY when you snapped out of your daze.

Watching everyone scurrying out the classroom is a familiar sight. It's just like yesterday, where you were all alone again.

"Ugh..." Your stomach grumbled in hunger, as you haven't eaten anything since last night.

But you couldn't be bothered to get up at all.

Your arms formed a makeshift pillow, you laid your head down, closing your eyes to sleep instead. It's not like you brought anything for lunch anyway.

Meanwhile in the hallway, Chifuyu walked by your classroom, seeing you alone laying your head on your arms.

His friends gathered around him, noticing him, "100 yen that he's got a crush!" Yoshida said.

"100 yen that he got rejected!" Sasaki joined in.

"Another 100 that he's actually looking at something else!" The last one, Takeuchi, chimed.

His friends joked around, while Chifuyu only stayed silent.

"Hey, dude, why do you look so dejected?" Sasaki nudged his arm, only causing him to sigh.

Chifuyu turned to them, "Hey, be serious with me." He said. "How do you talk someone out of committing suicide?"

His friends all went blank for a moment, surprised by the unexpected and serious question.

Just yesterday, Chifuyu and Takemichi were discussing about your future. Friday, which is today, is the day you would commit suicide.

After the incident with your dad, Chifuyu shared some details with him, but of course, still kept some information to himself due to privacy.

Takemichi wanted to talk to you, but at Chifuyu's insistence, they decided to let you be for now.

She's already suffered so much. What if us being there is making her feel worse? He thought. Sometimes, someone just wants to be alone when they're in a dark place, and he understood that.

Even if he wants to respect your request, just for today, he couldn't ignore you.

"Hah... Sorry, that was a weird question." Chifuyu laughed, brushing it off.

"This isn't some hint, right? You're not gonna do it... are you?" Sasaki asked, worried.

"No, it's not me..." Chifuyu replied.

His friends exchanged looks, before Takeuchi spoke up. "I guess... whenever I feel down, just knowing someone's there for me cheers me up, even if they aren't doing anything specifically."

"Yeah! I mean..." Yoshida rubbed the back of his neck. "I feel the same. Talking to someone usually makes me feel better."

The last guy agreed, nodding.

"...Right." Chifuyu acknowledged their effort, but he still wasn't sure if it was enough.

There was a time where he comforted you, saying that he's there, and you could talk to him. But what if it's not enough? What if you still couldn't rely on him?

What if, in your eyes... dying is the only solution?

The thought stewed in his head, and before he knew it, it was already after school when the bell rang.

"Yo, Chifuyu!" His friends barged into his classroom, beaming. "Let's go home!"

"You go home first, there's something I have to do." Chifuyu told them, not even glancing at their direction.

"Huh? Okay..." His friends could tell something was off, but they didn't question it. Instead, they said this, "If there's anything that's bothering you, talk to us, man! Anyway, see ya!"

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