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HE COULDN'T STOP THE WORDS from coming out of his mouth. Everything about his ability to time leap, every future he had seen, and every death he had witnessed and heard.

"...And that's... everything I've done." Takemichi finished, but... "I'm gonna get killed by Kisaki?"

Takemichi was nervous. Was Chifuyu going to think he was crazy? "...Just kidding. I was just joking around. Haha..." His attempt at turning it to a joke didn't work very well. Takemichi looked so serious when he explained everything about the secret he tried to keep. Even if it sounded ridiculous and something out of a fictional show, the earnest look in his eyes tells him that he wasn't lying.

"Somehow, I always knew." Chifuyu said after a minute of silence. "Thinking about it, there's a lot that's off about you. Also, there have been times when you've looked different."

"Well... I mean, that's..."

"Before the fight with Valhalla, you told Baji-san..."

"Please... don't die."

"I wasn't standing close enough, so I didn't hear what you were talking about in detail... But I definitely heard that." Takemichi stood silent. "You knew that Baji-san was gonna die. That's why you were so desperate."

"...Yeah." Takemichi muttered. "I knew, but I couldn't stop it. Even though I tried to save him..."

"You're pretty incredible." A sudden praise from his friend caught him off caught. "You've been fighting all alone, right? With nobody praising you or anything. Be proud of yourself, Takemitchy. The results don't matters!"

"Nobody's watching, but you stood and fought without running. I respect you, dude."

Tears started forming at Takemichi's eyes. "You really believe me? And all the stuff I said sounds like total bullshit?"

"'Course I do, dumbass!" Chifuyu flashed him his usual face. "We're partners, aren't we?"

"Damn it! Quit makin' me cry!"

"Haha! You've got giant tear glands!"

Chifuyu let Takemichi cry for a while, before the former spoke. "...Hey. About [Last Name]-chan..." Takemichi looked up at his friend's serious tone. "Why was she killed?"

Takemichi grimly faced the ground. "I... I don't know. Naoto said it's possible that Kisaki only killed her to provoke you. But we don't really know the real reason."

"She's not part of Toman, right? So Kisaki..." Chifuyu stomped on the ground angrily. "Arrghh!! I really wanna beat that bastard up!" He exhaled loudly at the end, before facing Takemichi. "Was her death... painful?" He asked. It might sound like a dumb question, but he remembered when you told him about your family. How your abusive dad beats you and your mom.

"Huh? Uh..." The thought of your death made his skin crawl. It was so brutal to watch. "...She was bleeding a lot when she died." Takemichi rubbed the back of his neck. "Why?"

"...Just asking."


"I just wanted to come play with Mikey-san." You spoke from your spot, Mr. Froppé sitting on your lap. "How did we come to this?" Your eyes slid over to all the people around the table.

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