ꜰᴏʀᴛʏ ꜰɪᴠᴇ

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The boy muttered, his eyes searching around.

He checked all the floors, and even the surrounding area of the building, but still no sight of you.

It’s been around ten minutes since his search, and even though he heard his mon tell you to come back to the house soon, he was beginning to worry about you.

He sat on the staircase on the second floor, loudly exhaling. His mind wandering to what happened earlier.

“Hate me, despise me, resent me! It’s so much easier if you just did all of that instead...!!”

That was what you said, but what did you mean by that?

Was I being too much of a busybody? I don’t get it. Chifuyu buried his face in his hands, wallowing in regret.

He couldn’t even get a word in during it.

Confusion and frustration filled his head, his thoughts scattered around to try and make sense of your feelings.

I guess the most obvious thing to do when I see her is to try and understand how she feels... He thought. But is it that easy? What if she snaps again?

"No... I can worry about that when I find her. It’s...” He checked his phone. “Nearly seven... Oh, right, she hasn’t eaten yet.” As the realisation hits him, he opened his contacts, scrolling through it until he found your name.

Normally, he wouldn’t hesitate to call you, but for some reason, his thumb froze when he was just about to press the call button. He nervously bit his lip, his thumb hovering over the button.

What if she’s still angry? He brushed the thought out. No, all I need to know is that she’s safe. But just...


Please answer my call...

The sound of his phone echoed a little as he waited. One second passed, until it made it to two... three... then thirty seconds have passed.

He was beginning to lose hope, closing his eyes until he heard the dialing tone stop, followed by a faint―


He perked up, standing as he placed his phone next to his ear. “Oh, [Last Name]-chan, you picked up!” Whilst talking, he walked down the stairs, getting to the ground floor again. “Are you safe? You didn’t go anywhere too far, did you?”

I... um...” He heard you stuttered. “I didn’t really go anywhere really...

“I didn’t go anywhere really...”

“Hm...?” Chifuyu hummed, confused when he heard your voice echo as he stepped down the last of the stairs.

Then, a thought hit him.

“Um... You know, I...” You fumbled with your words, wondering what to say. “I’m―...” Your words died down like a candle when you saw someone’s legs in the corner of your eyes.

Your eyes moved up, realising Chifuyu was standing there with his phone in hand.

Though he looked surprised, he soon broke out into a smile. “Ah, so you were here under the staircase?” He let out a relieved sigh, “I’m glad you’re safe. I thought you might’ve went out further.”

You snapped out of your own shock, resorting to looking away awkwardly.

Seeing your reaction, Chifuyu suddenly felt awkward too.

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⏰ Last updated: May 27 ⏰

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