ᴛᴡᴇɴᴛʏ ᴛᴡᴏ

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YOU JUST HEARD THE front door opening. You slipped out of your bed with Mr. Froppé in arms. "Auntie." Your eyes sparkled in joy, but then frowned. "It's ten already... You're late."

She smiled wryly. "Sorry, [Name]. I had just finished a case and one of my acquaintances had invited me out." Your aunt practically dropped flat onto the couch. You bet that it was one of her party-goer friends again.

You let out a 'hmph' and pouted. "Why did you go then?"

"She insisted." Though her face was buried in the couch and her words were muffled, you could still hear it. Your aunt raised her head and properly laid herself on the couch, now facing the ceiling with her eyes closed. "She's a very persuasive person. She won't take no as an answer."

You hummed and sat on the floor near the couch. "Was the case really important?"

"Well... I had to investigate if the offender had done any tax evasion. This required me to stay undercover for a job that doesn't even pay well." She explained. "Oh... Wait, then that minimum-wage job was related to that case?" You asked, surprised by this discovery. Your aunt hummed positively, "I had to bring myself up to the top of the company in order to find out. I hadn't done these kinds of cases in a long time." She sighed heavily.

"Why didn't you tell me then?" Your cheeks puffed up, a bit upset. She didn't respond but instead, pointing a finger on the table. She wasn't even pointing in the right direction, but you figured it was the box that she brought back.

"Yay, box!" You opened the box and peered inside. "Oh..."

"I was... talking to a co-worker the other day. Told me how I should get you a phone. Since you're in a gang and all, I'll need to know when you're in danger." She moved her arm over her eyes. "...So just... *yawn* ...call me if you're in trouble..." You averted your gaze back to the box. "Thanks for the box..."

"...And the phone."


Takemichi visited a church. Well, the same church where they had that fight on Christmas. Where they fought Taiju. He can't help but think back on it. In the end, it went well. With Mikey one-shotting Taiju with just a kick.

Despite that though, you were just a bystander at the time. You unnecessarily got involved. He wants you not to be part of this, but you had already joined Toman by the time he knew it. In all honesty, he wants you to quit Toman, go back to your average life and cut off all contact with all of you but... you already had become a big part of this.

Mikey and Chifuyu would most likely not want you to go. Draken and Mitsuya would be upset, but understand the situation. So what about himself? What does he want?

Even if she cuts off contact with everyone, Kisaki might find a way to target her anyway. In a sense, he admired Mikey after all. And eliminating those closest to him, and becoming top of the gang alongside Mikey is like his dream. Kisaki is the problem, and right now, so is Kurokawa Izana.

He needs to focus on how to deal with the current predicament with Tenjiku, but how?

"Agh, fuck it!! What should I do now!?" He yelled, even though he knew there wouldn't be an answer right away. To his surprise, someone replied. "Man, shut up." As he didn't realized someone else was in the church with him, he apologized. "You should pray for 'him' in the underworld too."

"Hm? 'Him?'"

"Ever since 'he' died, I come here to pray every day." Takemichi sat there blankly, staring at this mysterious stranger talking some nonsense he doesn't even understand. But as he continued to use his brain, he realized something. "Will Hakkai be a coward, even in heaven...? Amen."

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