ᴛᴡᴇɴᴛʏ ᴇɪɢʜᴛ

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IT FELT LIKE TIME WENT by slow tonight.

You were sure that by now, you were supposed to see Mikey and the others, so you started to get a bit worried.

It seemed like Chifuyu did too, so he called Takemichi, but he never picked up. "I wonder what happened..." You mumbled to yourself, staring off into the direction of the road.

Then, you heard sounds of an exhaust engine so you and a few others quickly went to check it out. You thought it would be Mikey, or at least Takemichi, but no, it was the one who had saved you during Tenjiku's ambush.

"Inui-kun!" Chifuyu exclaimed. "Where's Takemichy? Why isn't he with you?"

"...Something bad happened." He muttered, barely enough to hear.


"Mikey's sister... Emma... is dead." Inui continued said. "Kisaki killed her with his bike."


"Oi, Inui-kun, you better explain this properly." Chifuyu stepped up, probing further. "It's what I said." Inui knitted his eyebrows. "Mikey and Emma were heading to the cemetery. Emma went somewhere else, and Kisaki came out of nowhere on his bike and ran into over." He explained.

"Then... What about Takemichy?"

"Hanagaki was with them. They're at the hospital right now, along with Draken."

"Kisaki... Damn it!" Chifuyu cursed.

"What should we do now?" Atsushi asked. "Should we go to them?"

"...I'll go to him. All of you should stay here and prepare for the meeting." He ordered. Despite being angry, he remained cool. No use in being frustrated right now, he thought.

On instinct, he looked up from the ground, his eyes searching for you figure, but surprisingly, you were... nowhere to be seen. "Huh?" He couldn't sworn you were here just a minute ago. "Akkun, have you seen [Last Name]-chan?"

"Eh? Uh..." He looked around a bit. "I don't know. I thought she was here."

Chifuyu frowned, concerned on where you might have gone. "Stay here and see if she comes back."

"Sure thing."



You bowed over the toilet, a hand over your mouth, trying hard not to spill over. "Emma-san...?" You mumbled under your breath. "Emma-... san...? That Emma-san? The same one who I was with that day...? Th-that... Emma-san...!?"

Tears began to fill your vision. "Emma-san's... dead? She... died? Kisaki... killed her...?" You began to breathe heavily. You feel your heart pound against your chest. So loudly in your ears, you swore you couldn't hear anything else.

"Emma-san is... Emma-san is...!" Fear overwhelmed you. It has you in its hold like a prey. You can't breathe. You can't calm down.

"Pi-pills... Where's my―!?" You dugged in your pockets, desperately searching for the remedy you needed. Then, you realized, "H-home... They're at... home..."

ᴍᴇɴʜᴇʀᴀ // ᴍᴀᴛꜱᴜɴᴏ ᴄʜɪꜰᴜʏᴜWhere stories live. Discover now