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SOMETIMES YOU FIND YOURSELF staring up at the blue sky, wondering about life.

It's easy to forget that the world can be a cruel place when you're just a kid, but when a kid has gone through something they're unable to cope with, it's difficult to accept that this is how it has to be.

You learn to grow up fast.

The birds always seem so free ― spreading their wings wide as they soar. You wished you have that much freedom.

It's not that you don't, just that certain things don't allow you to; trapped, in a sense.

You let out a heavy sigh, sitting in the empty classroom of your school.

Your seat isn't close to the window, but out of boredom, you turned your head to look out at the sky.

It's supposed to be recess, and yet you're still here.

Maybe I want to starve myself. You thought.

"I was expecting you to be here."

You heard a voice, and you saw it's her. The girl whose goals in life are to ruin yours.

Though, you acted as if you didn't know her back at the restroom, you still punched her, which you figured was that kept her from bothering you in the past months.

She must be here for revenge.

"What, nobody invited you out to lunch? Boo-hoo, how pitiful." She feigned a sympathetic expression, but in the next moment, her voice became more aggressive. "You're just sitting here doing nothing? Is that what you're doing with your life too?"

Your eyes stared at her for a while, before you turned back to the faraway window.

"Hey! Don't ignore me!" You heard her coming over, slamming her hand on your desk as she leaned close. "I heard your aunt's in a coma. Did she finally get tired of your emo ass and decided to 'end' herself?" She snickered in your ear.

"...Maybe." You quietly replied.

She backed away, either she's not satisfied by your reaction, or she had expected it.

"You're no fun to toy anymore, [Last Name]." She strode to the front of your desk. "We used to be rough. Or at least, you did. What happened to the violent you?"

"I... don't know what you're talking about." You frowned at her.

"Hmph." She clicked her tongue, sitting on your desk with her figure towering over you. "It was so annoying that you joined that kiddie gang, and everyone else suddenly was afraid of you."

She must've mean Toman. You figured. Why does she know that anyway?

"Even if they're afraid, you're still my plaything to torture." She grinned smugly at you.

"...Are you flirting or threatening me?" You plainly asked, tired of her antics.

"What the―!? Ew, no!!" As she exclaimed, she pushed you, causing you (and the chair) to fall backwards.

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