ᴛᴡᴇɴᴛʏ ᴛʜʀᴇᴇ

667 29 5

IT'S AROUND MIDNIGHT NOW, and you walked aimlessly around, with no destination in mind.

You couldn't sleep. Not sure why you couldn't. Maybe you just felt nervous for the upcoming battle with Tenjiku. You wondered... what was it like in a "war." Will you all split out to fight individually or what?

Whether how you imagine it to be, it sort of scared you. Everyone staring down at you, it's not good. Not for your mental health, at least.

It's just them being overconfident. I can do this. You pumped yourself up, but that eventually failed as you ultimately let out a sigh and stopped in your tracks. You turned Mr. Froppé around. "Oh, Mr. Froppé, what do I do? I really don't like fighting, but Takemichi-san... I have to at least do it for him. He suffered lots from um..." You trailed off for a moment. "From... the future...?"

Mr. Froppé's head fell to the side sluggishly, as if he was unsure of his own too. "Aaww, you're so cute, Mr. Froppé." Your mouth curved upwards in a smile. "Hehe. Sorry, I'm getting off topic." You couldn't help it when Mr. Froppé looked this adorable with his beady eyes, fluffy fur and round face.

But then you remembered the phone your aunt had given you. "...I should add Chifuyu-san's contact number." You hugged Mr. Froppé for a second, turning him back to the front and your other hand digging into your pocket. You flipped your phone. "Oh but... would he even be awake at this time? Should we go check?" You looked down at your bunny friend.

No response.

"Stalker? Me? No, no, no!" You panicked. "How could you call me that?" You frowned, bringing up again to face him. After a moment, you smiled. "Okay, I forgive you. But maybe I should just wait until morning... Would that be weird?" Humming, you began walking again. This time, with a destination in mind.


"Chifuyu-san?" You peeked around the corner once you reached the second floor.

"[Last Name]-chan?"

"Wah!" You jumped and spun around, not expecting to actually see him sitting atop of the stairs. He had actually saw you coming up, but stayed silent until he heard you speak his name. "Oh... my god..." You placed a hand on your chest, feeling your heartbeat beating faster. "Aww, Chifuyu-san, what if I got a heart attack?" You puffed out your cheeks.

"Eh... Sorry." He raised a brow. "So... why are you out here calling for me?" Before you could respond, he clasped a hand to his mouth, before grinning playfully. "Are you... perhaps a stalker?"

"What!?" You covered your mouth the instant you said that. You certainly did not want to disturb anyone here. "No, you've wrong! I-I..." His grin seemed to widen. "I wanted to... see if you were awake... even though it's 2 am right now... And! And! I wanted your contact number since Auntie gave me a phone..." You stopped at the end, pouting.

"Haha!" Chifuyu laughed, then calming down to smile at you. "Sorry, I had to tease you. It was just so random to see you out here at midnight looking for me."

"Hrrmm... I guess it is weird..." You mumbled. "Then... why are you awake this late?"

"Good question." Chifuyu answered, sighing. "You could say that I was sort of missing Baji-san." You took a seat beside him. "You know... one time, right in this spot, we talked all night long. About random stuff like... how he sets cars on fire and how he used to put gum on people's hair."

The way he said it, it sounds like he really enjoyed this Baji guy's company. "But those are... pretty... um..." How should you put it? "...Bad?" Chifuyu chuckled, leaning back on the stairs a bit. "That's what I said! But he only does it to cars you see in junkyards."

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