ꜰᴏʀᴛʏ ᴛʜʀᴇᴇ

95 7 0


The sounds of a stomach growling.

Chifuyu immediately snapped his head towards you, visibly surprised, yet it looked like he found it amusing.

“You hungry?” He asked, chuckling.

“Um, yeah.” You clutched your stomach, averting your gaze, as if ashamed. “...I haven’t eaten anything since last night.”

It was only in the corner of your eye, but you swore you saw his jaw slowly drop.

“What!? Why didn’t you tell me!?” He recoiled back in complete shock, then quickly took your hand and rushed down the hill. “We gotta go now!!”

“H-Hey! Come on, it’s not a big deal...!” Your legs struggled to follow him. The ground was still wet, so you made caution to not slip.

“It is a big deal! Now, hurry up!” He ran down the hill like his life depended on it.

Nearing the foot of the hill, you tripped, falling forward. By the time this happened, Chifuyu had let go and turned around.

And you would have fallen onto him if not for your hands that had caught on his shoulders.

Both of you tumbled backwards (or forward, in your case) a little, but you were both safe and still standing.


Too close! You panicked internally, seeing his face at a close distance. “...Huh? Eek―!?” You shrieked when you noticed Chifuyu crouching down and taking hold of your waist like you weigh nothing.

He had sat you down on top of his bike, while you almost blanked out at how easily he carried you.

You quickly adjusted your legs to sit properly, and he hopped onto his bike as well.

His sudden movement caused the bike to sway to the side, which you really panicked for a moment, but his leg that was propped on the ground prevented the bike from falling.

“Hold on, [Last Name]-chan!”

In just a moment, the bike moved so fast you flew back into your seat and instinctively held onto it.

“Hey, slow down! Why are you going so fast!?” You leaned over to him, shouting.

“You’re hungry, aren’t you? We have to get you something to eat!” He responded back, speeding up even faster.


You had to pat down your skirt to prevent them from flying everywhere, but when you turned to the side, you could feel your hair blowing in the strong wind.

It’s a cool and... nice feeling.

Somehow, you felt calmer, as if all your worries were gone with the wind. In the end, you decided to just lay back and not complain anymore.

It was probably about five minutes when the bike slowed down to a stop, and without hesitation, Chifuyu jumped off the bike. “Stay there, I’ll be right back!!” He ran off, only briefly turning his head back to tell you that.

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