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CLASS WAS BUSTLING TODAY at school. Students were chatting away, some teachers were marking students' homework, few were scolding a pupil for something they did, some were forced to go to the principal's office ― typical school stuff.

Chifuyu was staring out the window like a main character boss and heard his friend yell out. "Yo, Chifuyu! Your girl's here!" Hearing that, he looked at him weirdly at the doorway, before noticing a familiar figure behind him.

His other friends heard that and began teasing Chifuyu for getting such a cute girl, which he ultimately ignored. While some were murmuring amongst themselves about you.

At school, you were known for carrying a stuffed bunny to school and many mocked you for that. He knew that, so he turned to give a glare to those who were talking shit about you.

They shut up immediately.

His friend at the door whispered to him. "Good luck, buddy!" And went off inside the classroom, very obviously staring at them. Chifuyu sighed and turned to you with a strained smile. "Sorry about that. What's up?"

Even though you came here with the intention of being able to talk to him, you still had to rethink the words you were going to use. "Um... It's... about that day."

"Oh." His smile wavered for a split second. "...What about that day?"

He saw you hesitating, but patiently waited for you. "I wanted to say that..." You suddenly felt a chill and you meekly turned to that direction. You might've thought it was his friends, but no, it was a girl. She was practically boring holes into you. You averted your eyes to his friends, the one called Chifuyu gave you a thumbs-up for whatever reason.

Chifuyu must've noticed how uncomfortable you looked and suggested that you two go to a more secluded area. You ended up in a hallway near the washrooms. "My friends are kind of nosy like that. Did they make you uncomfortable?" He apologized to you with a warm smile.

You shook your head. It felt like you had been in that situation before. One time, you were asked to bring some things to a guy who left it in the classroom. His girlfriend was glaring at you the same way she had. Does she like him?

"[Last Name]-chan?"

"...I want to spend more time with you." Chifuyu had to do a double take at your bold statement. "What!?"

You furrowed your brows at his reaction. "You... don't want to spend time with me?" Of course. Just like Father said, I'm just a boring girl. "Never mind then." You heard him call out to you, but you swiftly made your way to inside the ladies' washroom.

The hand he held fell to his side as he sighed at his own stupidity and walked away.

Back to you, you stared at yourself at the mirror with a blank look. And your eyes slanted at the person who came in the washroom. The same girl that gave you death glares.

"Wow, [Last Name]. I didn't think you'd back off so quickly." She wore a winning smirk at you in the mirror. You did a slow turn to face her, before your serious expression fell and stared at her in confusion. "Who are you again?"

"Wha―!? Ugh, it's me! From elementary! I'm― You know what? I don't need to introduce myself. You're not worthy anyway." She scoffed at you. You gave her a tired look. "...Sorry to disappoint, but my self-esteem is already below negative. Please try a bit harder if you want to lower my mental health."

She of course was offended and yelled back. "You...! Don't get all smart with me, [Last Name]!" She stomped her way to you and raised her hand to slap you.

You easily evaded her hand. "I've seen that trick a lot of times. Is that popular among girls? Does it have a name?" Your eyes sparkled. "Oh, oh! Is it from a video game? Like a special move?" The girl cringed and backed away.

"Ugh, you're weird. Don't even know why someone like Chifuyu hangs out with you."

"Does he hang out with you?" You asked curiously, tilting your head to the side. "I rather just watch. I'm not interested in him." She observed her nails like some sort of mean boss. You slowly blinked. "Then... you're weird too."

"What's that supposed to mean?" She glared deathly at you.

"If you don't like him, then you must really hate me." You spoke, never minding her glare. "You went out your way for someone like me... You must live a sad life." You swore her glare hardened on your figure as she stepped closer. "Watch your words, bitch. Who the hell do you think you're talking to?" Her voice was mixed with anger and hate.

"You must be really sad for you to come bother me. But don't be sad. There's plenty of good things in life." You continued to speak. She had enough and attempted to hit you again ― but you grabbed her wrist. "No violence please." You passively said, your face still the same old stoic look. "I don't want to fight. I really don't. Why can't we just have a normal discussion?" This time, the features on your face changed a little.

"Fighting always ends up in something worse. You don't want that, do you?" She didn't respond, but only stared at you with intensity. "Neither do I. So, let's talk, okay?"

"You bitch!!"

Just as she moved her other hand―


Your fist made contact with her nose (dropping Mr. Froppé on the floor) and she instantly stepped back, holding her nose in pain. You saw a bit of blood coming out too. "See what I mean? Anyway, fighting is no good. Neither do us want this." You reached a hand out to her head, patting her. "There, there. I'm sorry."

She slapped your hand away. "Hypocrite!" But instead of retaliating more, she went to wash the blood off at the sinks. Which you thought, was a good start. You picked up Mr. Froppé on the floor, wiping the bottom to get rid of any dirt and headed out.

Once you did, a sigh left your lips. I'm still no good at negotiations. Why do they always insist on fighting? Is it because of the adrenaline? Or just for their own entertainment? You didn't understand. Why do they pick on you? Was it because you seem weak and meek? Was it because you seem like a child holding a stuffed toy? Or was it because they just like to do it?

You shrugged off the questions in your head, sighing deeply internally.

You should apologise to Chifuyu later. You only did that on purpose to lure her in. Which, you're secretly happy for because for once, your plan worked.

In the end, you did end up apologising to Chifuyu, and he seemed happy with your explanation. He was worried that you'd begun to hate him. You reassured him that you were too much of a loser and loner to hate someone.

He ended up giving you a dissatisfied look for thinking so negatively.

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