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ALL OF YOU WERE RELAXING in Chifuyu's room. The male himself was on the window sill staring out, despite your concerns that he might fall off. Takemichi was laying on the floor reading something, and you were also on the floor, leaning on against Chifuyu's bed and playing with Mr. Froppé.

From this, you had already explained to them your intentions of joining Toman. Of course, you didn't tell Mikey the actual reason why. He only knows it's because you wanted to spend more time with them.

The incident with Killer had also died down by now, and after that, you don't really communicate with him anymore. As for the other members ― as your aunt had foretold ― they were all pretty mean about it to you, but you did deserve it. Considering you got a dude hospitalized for some time.

Earlier today, when you wanted to meet Chifuyu and brought oranges, you met his very kind mother. His mom was very welcoming to you and to Mr. Froppé, so you really like her. When Chifuyu came out of his room along with Takemichi, who you hadn't expected to see, his mom kept shooting you (and Chifuyu) winks and smirks for some odd reasons.

Before long, Chifuyu quickly led you into his room to avoid this mother's teasing, with Takemichi following behind.

Now, you were all just enjoying a nice day in. Until Takemichi spoke up. "You guys... I have an amazing thought." You both turned to him in wonder, and with no explanation whatsoever, he dragged you two out.

"Aw... But I wanted to stay in for a little longer..." You muttered in dismay as you head out.


"Shibuya Station?" Takemichi had brought you two to a train station. "Wait, Takemitchy! What do you mean by 'the top of delinquents world!?'" Chifuyu asked while you followed them behind, nearing the train as you went. "Are you sure you're right in the head, Takemichi-san?" You questioned.

"Chifuyu... Even when you own the 'bible,' you can't notice it!?" Takemichi turned his head back to Chifuyu. "Bible?" Chifuyu repeated. "You're religious?" You asked again. "Is there something wrong with your sight!?" Takemichi doesn't give any details. "'Shonan Junai Gumi,' 'Bukkomi no Taku,' they had taught us..."

Now, Chifuyu might've understood whatever Takemichi was saying, but you didn't. "...Is this a secret code between you two that I don't know about?" You puffed your cheeks out, annoyed that you had been left out of the fun. "Trust me, it's not." Chifuyu gave a vague reply.

"They all took a place in Kanagawa!!" Takemichi screamed, and Chifuyu looked dumbfounded at his partner. "To become the top in delinquents world, we just need to take out Yokohama's delinquents!"

"Are you dumb?/That's a terrible idea." Both Chifuyu and yourself said unison. "Let's go to Yokohama!" Takemichi gave you two a thumbs-up, already starting to take off. "Farewell!" Chifuyu grinned. "I got nothing to do there for going in Chinatown and eating pork buns... so I'll pass. The fare's expensive too..."

"Fine!!" Takemichi said, going off but you held him back. "No, no! Takemichi-san, I don't know how many delinquents are there, but surely there are too many for you to beat!"

"[Last Name]-chan, just leave him be. You can't change his mind now." Chifuyu waved his hand, and Takemichi suddenly turned around to face you. "If Chifuyu's not gonna come, then are you?"

You stopped in your movements when he moved closed in. "Err... No but..."

"Then I'm leaving!" He lightly pushed you off and went in.

Chifuyu sighed. "That dumbass..." You also shared a sigh and slumped. "Challenge delinquents all on his own... That's too much."

Then you heard a scream. "Chifuyu!!!" Said male turned, expecting to see Takemichi, but to your surprise, it was two other guys from the 1st Division. Oh, it's Takemichi-san's friends.

But they were beaten up and bruised badly. "What the hell happened to you!?"

The two explained how they were beaten up by guys in red coats, and that they were targeting Toman for some reason. Chifuyu didn't waste a second of time to get Takemichi. You all followed behind, and once you saw Takemichi surrounded by those same men, Chifuyu leapt high in the air and kicked the guy closest in the face.

"Run! Takemichi, Akkun!!" Chifuyu yelled, while you noticed another guy who looked like was about to fall any moment now. "I'll catch up later!" Chifuyu said, and Takemichi carried the guy on his back and ran off, shouting an apology.

"[Last Name]-chan, you should run too." Chifuyu muttered to you, but you shook your head. "I can't leave you behind. There's too many of them!"

"Where are you looking!?" One came running and punched Chifuyu, making him fly at least ten meters. "Chifuyu-san!" You reached out, but was caught by one of them. "Yo, why're you doing here?" He got down to eye-level from behind you. Before he knew it, your fist made contact with his nose. Hard.

"Agh! You bitch!!"

"O-hoho... Girl can fight, eh?" The one with the braid spoke out, seemingly enjoying this. His eyes scanned you up and down. "And not a bad look either..." Just as you were about to retort, a guy grabbed you from behind and held you down, dropping Mr. Froppé in the process. "Ah― Mr. Froppé!" Your hand extended out, hoping to reach him but someone already took him.

"What's this, a toy?"

At this point, you were already angered. "Give him back." You warned, gritting your teeth. "If I don't?" You smacked your head backwards, knocking the guy's chin and you felt his grip loosened. But you couldn't care less of him as you focused on the one who was holding Mr. Froppé hostage.

You held your box cutter in one hand, ready to pounce on him, but you felt another weight fall on your from the side. "Get off of m-... What?" It was Chifuyu who was holding you down. "[Last Name]-chan, don't! Killing him won't do you any good!"

You narrowed your eyes at you. "Drop dead, Chifuyu-san! Literally! He has Mr. Froppé!! Are you blind or just blatantly stupid!?" You struggled against his grip as he held you down. But he grasped your wrist tighter. "Stop acting like this! What's so special about him!?"

Hearing him say this makes you even more irked. You forced your head away from the cold hard ground to move closer in his face. "He was the last thing my mom gave to me before she died!!" Chifuyu leaned back in shock, but then noticed and heard someone coming towards you two.

A kick was sent his way, so he let go of your wrist and brought himself closer to you. In a moment, you were surprised at the proximity, but quickly realized the situation you two were in and flipped over where you both were on the ground, now on guard. "Stop yer flirting already!"

You clicked your tongue, noticing that Mr. Froppé was still held hostage. You picked up your fallen box cutter and took a step forward, but Chifuyu stopped you with an arm. "[Last Name]-chan, go catch up with Takemitchy. I'll handle it from here."


"Please." You saw the serious look in his eyes. "I'll bring back him safe and sound."

As much as it pains you to leave them both equally, you nodded. "Bring him back to me." And ran away as far as you could, praying that they would come back unharmed.

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