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YOUR NOSE CHILLED AS YOU breathed in the cold air. Today, was a little chilly. Not that you mind though. The world was always as cold as ice.

You stood, now with your new Toman uniform. You had told Mitsuya to give you pants just like everyone else. It wasn't that you dislike skirts (you wear them every day, actually), it was just that you didn't want to feel special and to stand out. Plus, after trying out the top, it fitted exactly as your body shape. There was enough space for you to move around, and it's comfortable.

As you thought, Mitsuya's really talented.

You did him a favour during the time when you went to him to try out the clothes, and he returned the favour. You were super happy about that.

Killer walked up to the widely spacious place. On the sides, everybody has gathered around the "battlefield." Mikey and Draken stood where they always stand. With Mr. Froppé in your arms, you examined Killer. He looked confident. Extremely confident. He had that smug look on his face, and his stance was relax as he began talking.

"So... guess you ended up comin', huh? Thought ya would've ended up being a wimp and not come." Killer scoffed at you, clearly taunting you, before his eyes slid over to your bunny friend. Although your arms had always held his stomach, his arms were exposed to the naked eye. He saw the black sleeves on Mr. Froppé. "Don't tell me you... that rabbit is wearing a Toman uniform?"

You were surprised for a moment, shown when your eyes slightly widened, but held up Mr. Froppé in your hands. "Doesn't he look cute? Mitsuya is really gifted." You couldn't hide the pride when you spoke about Mr. Froppé and Mitsuya's amazing skills at sewing.

In fact, you felt like a mother proud of his son doing so well in school.

Killer clicked his tongue. "You're so fucking annoying..." He muttered under his breath. Then turning to Mikey. The president nodded and laid out the rules.

Number 1: No weapons. Automatic win for the other opponent if any weapon was utilized.

Number 2: The duel starts when either opponent makes a move.

Number 3: Challengers lose when they forfeit, gets knocked down or out of bounds.

Number 4: If the opponent was already downed, do not continue to fight.

Number 5: Provocation is allowed.

Number 6: Do not berate either opponent after the loss.

Number 7: Injuring the observers will result in an instant loss.

"And with that!" Mikey shook them all with an innocent grin and sat down cross-legged. "Begin!"

After they had stated all the rules, you began to feel a bit tad nervous. You had never duel anyone before. As in, an actual challenge. As if I'm strong enough to beat someone who's probably buffer than me. Well, no point in wailing your own incompetence now. Your main goal is to try and survive this guy.

Killer smirked when he saw that you were distracted. He immediately rushed in for a punch. And surprisingly, you quickly noticed and leapt back. Just barely out of bounds. Killer was shocked, and so was everyone else. "So you have experience fighting?"

"That guy was fast, but I can't believe [Last Name]-san dodged it!" Takemichi exclaimed to his friends. Chifuyu remembered when he heard a sound that day in school, when you went to the washroom. He knew he heard was a punch, but when he saw you not injured at all, he was unsure whether his ears were playing a trick on him. But seeing this now, it was definitely a punch.

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