ᴛᴡᴇɴᴛʏ ᴏɴᴇ

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YOU RAN THROUGH THE STREETS where you had last saw Takemichi went. You looked around, trying to find him, when you saw a bunch of men wearing the same red coats in one spot.

On instinct, you hid behind a wall, holding your breath and hugging― Oh. Right. Mr. Froppé was here anymore. You bit your bottom lip, regretting that you left the station. You really wanted to get Mr. Froppé back on your own. You left him there. What would you do if something happens to him? Panic filled you, and you nibbled on your nail, trying to think of something.

But then a gush of wind, as well as the sound of a motorcycle flew passed you. You heard screaming and yelling up ahead. You peeked around the corner and saw the guys in red coats down on the ground, most likely unconscious. And two dudes with colourful fluffy hair.

"Yo, it's that bunny girl." The one with pink hair saw you and commented. You was about to retreat back into your safe place, but then realized that if he knew you, then he must be in Toman too. You didn't see it before, but Takemichi and his friends were also there. As well as a fully conscious and injured Chifuyu.

A gasp escaped you as you saw the familiar grey fluff. "Mr. Froppé!" You immediately dropped everything you were doing and rushed over. You took your bunny friend as he handed you him. You glanced at Mr. Froppé before staring at Chifuyu in disbelief. "You got him... You really brought him back."

"Yeah, no big deal though." Chifuyu grinned, scratching his head. "Even when he's unconscious, he still held onto that thing. Crazy..." Smiley commented. "Hey! I told you not to― Whaugh!?" The blond stumbled on his feet when you wrapped your arms around his neck. "Thank you... Thank you so much...!" You muttered multiple thank-yous, each phrase increased your grip on him.

Chifuyu didn't know what to do. He glanced at the others: Takemichi awkwardly staring, Angry giving him a thumbs-up, Smiley looking... smiley. He felt comforted in your embrace before slowly hugging you back. "He's really important to you, isn't he?" He mumbled, and you nodded. "Thank you for saving him... If anything happened, I would've―"

"Stop flirting in front of us or I'll kill ya!" Smiley popped a vein and cracked his knuckles. Chifuyu put a hand on your shoulder to tried to pry you off. "Just... a little longer." Your head fell to his neck, fully absorbed in the moment. He couldn't bring himself to stop you. He could only think that, this was how much Mr. Froppé meant to you. "It was a gift from your late mom, so―"

You suddenly pulled back, confused. "How did you-..."

"He was the last thing my mom gave to me before she died!!"

Your own words flashed into your mind. You had only said that in a moment of anger, accidentally revealing that your mom had died. You didn't even realise that you had said it until now. It was already too late though. You stared down on the ground, your mood completely soured. Chifuyu saw how he said the wrong thing, so he kept quiet too, making the now situation awkward.

Thankfully though, he was only talking to you when he said it, so the others didn't hear it.

"Anyway!" Smiley cleared his throat. "We're gonna fuck up some bitches in Yokohama. But Angry and I can only have one passenger each on our bikes." He looked around. "You know..." You gathered their attention. "You can very fluffy hair. Can I touch them?"

"I'm gonna kill you." A vein popped on his neck, and you quickly backed away from the subject. "I'll stay behind to... do other stuff. You can go on ahead." Before they said anything, you were already starting to walk away with Mr. Froppé in arms.


You walked in the area for a bit of time now. You honestly didn't know where you were going or what you were going to do. You looked around, hoping to find a Toman member.

The area you're currently in is a pretty deserted place. With rats running around and stray cats chasing them.

Just as you turned around the corner, you found more guys in red coats. You gasped instinctively and stepped back. You held your breath, peeking a little to see them beating up some people. Are they from Toman too? Oh, I'm so sorry... You silently apologized to them, backing away to not be seen.

But unfortunately, the universe was not on your side as you accidentally kicked some empty cans on the ground. Uh-oh! Your heart rate increased as you began to breathe heavily. You heard them talking ― you didn't know what ― but regardless, they found their next target: you.

Your hand clasped your mouth, trying your best not to breathe too loudly. You heard footsteps coming closer, and closer. Your palms felt sweaty, your eyes were teary, you wanted to just get into a fetus position and cry. Just stay calm. I just need to... "T-To... run away..." You muttered. Even your voice sounded so high-pitched from fear.

Everything felt so distant all of a sudden.

Until, you felt a hand on your shoulder. You spun around, ready to punch the person but they stopped you. "Huh? You..." He puts a finger to his lips. "Follow me." You finally obeyed and followed him without any issue. Even though, that big scar on his head could be an obvious sign of delinquency.

And yes, you're one to judge a book by its covers.

He led you into the darker corner of the place. Since with the buildings this tall and blocking the sunlight, the two of you hiding in the shadows weren't very obvious to the naked eye.

Maybe it was because his voice was really soft and quiet, that you didn't felt anxious anymore. You brought Mr. Froppé closer ― not that he wasn't already close enough ― and held your breath as they walked by.

"I thought I heard somethin'..."

"Maybe it was a rat. This place ain't very sanitary."

"Yeah. Let's bounce already."

Their footsteps slowly fade, until they could no longer be heard. You let out a sigh of relief. This whole time, you were on edge. "Um... Thank you... uh, stranger." You looked up at the male.

"Inui. Inui Seishu. A member of Toman under Hanagaki." He introduced without much expression. You squinted your eyes at him, before nodding to yourself. "You look scary, but you're actually really nice." You paused, your gaze lifting up to his hair.

You saw how an eyebrow from his face rose, so you quickly shook your head and introduced yourself too. "Sorry... My name is [Last Name] [Name]."

"I already know you." He curtly replied. "Anyway, I've no time to talk. I have business." Then he left.

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