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IT'S BEEN A WHILE NOW and after resting, Chifuyu stood up to stretch. "You ready to go?" He asked as you were putting your shoes on.

You didn't respond, but you noticed how red your wrist was with a visible handprint.

Chifuyu must've noticed. "Sorry... Does it still hurt?" He came over to you.

"...No." You shook your head, quickly brushing it off and adjusting your shoes, before picking up your bag as well.

"Hm?" Your eyes noticed something on the floor. It was the box cutter you threw earlier.

You reluctantly picked it up and put it back to your pocket.

The moment you looked up after, you saw a hand.

You raised a brow, staring up at Chifuyu, confused.

"I'd feel better knowing you're right here with me in case you do anything rash." He said.

You sighed, shaking your head. "I'm not about to do anything like that again after what you did." You held your arm. "I know the effort you put in, and if you went that far to help me, then I'm... at least willing to listen."

"All right... I trust you, but just stay close to me, okay?" Chifuyu didn't want to overstep his boundaries, but he was still worried that you really might do something when he wasn't keeping his eye on you.

He walked over to the door, opening it and looking at you expectantly.

Without a word, you walked ahead of him, taking the stairs down first before he did.

Chifuyu internally sighed, thinking back to what happened just a few minutes ago.

I didn't think I would end up confessing like that... What the hell's wrong with me? He felt his face burn up a little.

In that moment, he felt genuine fear when he thought he was going to lose you. If even for a second his grip loosened, you might've really fell and died.

That fear he felt hit him ― he was in love.

For how long though? He didn't even have time to think about love, not with anything going on with Toman, or with you.

It's a miracle that he kept a straight face and didn't clam up during it. He even wondered how he managed it.

In the middle of it, he switched it to "everyone" in a lame attempt to cover his actual confession.

Hopefully she buys it, or it's going to be embarrassing as hell. He sighed, finally making his way down the stairs.

The two of you walked in silence, with Chifuyu trying to make conversation every now and then, though he could tell you weren't much in a mood to talk.

It was odd to see you like this, like you had resigned or accepted your fate.

But in a way, he was also a little happy that you gave life another chance.

Soon, you were at your house.

Even though it shouldn't be a surprise, the house still looked the same the last time he was here.

"Well, um..." You turned back to Chifuyu, averting your gaze nervously. "Sorry about today." You lifted your gaze to meet his. "I'll... see you next time. Bye."

Just as you were heading in, he stopped you.

"Isn't it dangerous for you to stay here when... well..." His eyes glanced over at the broken windows. Even the door was still slightly off its hinges. "Are you gonna be okay?"

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