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SHE HEARD THE DOOR clicked open, revealing you coming out.


You jumped at your aunt's sudden shout. "Uh, what is it?" She noticed how you were fiddling with your sleeve. Mr. Froppé wasn't with you too. In your room, she presumed. "Cutting yourself again?" The anger in her expression subsided as she stared at you in dismay.

You didn't look surprised as you replied normally. "What about you? Still working yourself to the bone for some minimum-wage job?"

"Don't answer my question with another question, [Name]." She sighed, knowing that no words can stop you. "In any case, the medkit's up in the cupboard. I'll get it for you." She then stepped to the cupboard up top.

"...Mm. Thanks."

After she helped you clean up your wounds, you picked up Mr. Froppé and headed out again. But not before hearing your aunt calling for you. "You've been going out a lot lately. Found new places to take a walk?" She asked, gathering a mountain of papers in her hands.

"You could say that." You nodded. "Anyway, I'll be back soon. You can eat without me."


"Chifuyu-san, don't you think Takemichi-san is overreacting?"

"What do you mean?" The said male turned to you quizzically. "Isn't he just a cry baby?" He laughed, but you only hummed in wonder. Chifuyu told you stories how Takemichi was always crying, even at the smallest things. But despite that, he's still very strong-willed guy.

No, I'm definitely right on this. You recalled how Takemichi starting crying when you and him made eye contact. Either he's actually just a cry baby, or that you were too ugly.

Well, the second reason might just be you being dramatic, but it's a possibility. You were always told how ugly you were. Speaking of that, why does it concern others when you're unattractive or unappealing?

Being bullied for that is kind of lame. You pursed your lips out, puffing air through your nostrils in annoyance. Chifuyu noticed you and asked what was wrong. You said nothing, waiting for the meeting to start already.

Once it did, you sat there silent this time. Playing with Mr. Froppé through it all. Psh, like you need anyone...

It really is no fun playing alone. Your aunt was always at work, and only you and Mr. Froppé at home on most days. You wish she'd just quit and stop making money at a trash place. I mean... she's a lawyer. You can't help but shake your head when you remember her telling you about getting "experience" because she used to do office jobs like that once and sort of misses it.

What's so good about office jobs...? I mean, workers just mindlessly taps on their keyboard with heavy eye bags while their boss lectures them every week for their poor performances. According to your aunt, she used to dream of becoming a typewriter, so spending her days typing on a computer wasn't too bad.

But come on now, even if she misses it, why does she have to get a second job?

She's already busy, and spends less time with you now. Maybe you'll try the puppy eyes technique on her to get her to quit the job.

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