ᴛʜɪʀᴛʏ ᴛʜʀᴇᴇ

114 6 7

Warning: Self-harm

THE SOUNDS OF WAR CRIES rang throughout, and you felt your head getting much clearer.

You violently shook your head, suddenly realizing the situation you're in. "What...?" You turned, seeing another guy fighting nearby... Inui, was his name, right? You quickly jumped to your feet.

Inui seemed to be facing off with this other huge person. But when he charged at him, the other guy grabbed his arm and flipped him over.

You heard the sounds of him hitting onto the ground, which sounded like it hurt a lot.

"Are... are you okay!?" Concerned, you went up to him, helping him sit up. You noticed all the injuries you had on his face. Ahh... How could I have just sat there and not help? You sighed, hearing his coughing violently.

Both of you stared up at his opponent. "You're finished, Inui."

"A-Ah..." You pressed your lips, speaking softly. "Inui-san, we should retreat." Your eyes glanced up at him, seeing how much bigger and physically stronger than you are, it's better to just retreat for now.

"...I can't." He grunted in pain, slowly getting to his feet. "There's something that I absolutely can't give up on."

Though he was soft-spoken, there was something in his voice that was impactful. Hearing that, your mouth fell open, but said nothing. How courageous... unlike me. You bit your lip, standing up as well.

"You should get back. This isn't a fight you should get involved." Inui told you. "And you just had a concussion, so you better rest up before you start fighting again."

"Ah... Okay..." You followed his orders, stepping back. Concussion? You blinked confusedly. That would explain my headache... So I had a concussion, and Inui-san helped me?

You watched as Inui started to throw punches at him, but his opponent only ever dodged it and countered back, his punches packing twice the pain.

Inui stumbled back, panting as if exhausted. But just as he was about to deliver another blow, you heard someone shouting.

Then, a loud wham followed―

Both you and Inui were alerted, so you turned to see the root of the sound. You were just in time to catch the sight of someone in a black uniform falling over.

Though, many other people were blocking your view, you still managed to spot someone with scruffy blue hair sneaking up behind another person and instantly knocking them out with one punch.

You heard many dramatic gasps.

"The Haitani brothers are instantly defeated!!!"

"Um..." Who? You narrowed your eyes, unfamiliar with that name. But they weren't wearing Toman's uniform, right? Is that a good thing? And the person with scruffy blue hair was someone you kind of recognised, when you reunited with Chifuyu after the train station incident.

To be fair, you only recognised him (and someone else with another similar hairstyle) because their hair looked very fluffy.

"Hold the fuck up, you shit!" Someone else angrily stomped to the ring. "Come on, Haitani! I put trust in you guys!"

"Wait, Mocchi!" Chifuyu ran to catch up. "Your opponent is not―"

"Shut up! I can beat 'Angry' on my own!"

So he declared, strolling up to the blue-haired person and slinging an arm around him. "Right, you tiny prick!?"

And, just like before, in one moment, he was down on the ground, defeated.

ᴍᴇɴʜᴇʀᴀ // ᴍᴀᴛꜱᴜɴᴏ ᴄʜɪꜰᴜʏᴜWhere stories live. Discover now