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YOUR EYES BORED INTO THE clothes hanging up in your closet. They were only three sets of the same school uniform that you always wear.

If other people saw this, would they be weirded out that I don't wear anything else? The school uniform was custom-made, arranged by your aunt. She had someone personally sow them for you.

Thinking on that now, you remembered her asking why you like wearing school uniforms.

"Hmm? Oh... It's already almost time." Time for the festival. On December 31st, you heard from Mikey that there'll be a festival for young children to celebrate growth or whatever. He invited you as an apology for dragging you into their messes, even if you got involved purely by yourself.

He had only told you that a few days ago, and you didn't had time to prepare. Would you be the weird one if you didn't wear any special outfits for the occasion?


You walked around in the crowd, with Mr. Froppé in hand. You could feel people's eyes on you, but you kept walking and didn't look their way.

"Oh, [Last Name]-chan, over here!" Chifuyu saw and called you. "I see you wore your usual, huh?" He grinned at you. You didn't look too happy though. "...Sorry. I never came to an event like this before. I had no clothes for it."

"It's okay, we can just enjoy the festival." He glanced at Mr. Froppé. "But I see he's all dressed up, eh?"

Mr. Froppé wore a black top hat and a green tie. "He's fancy." You held him up. "Oi, Chifuyu. Who's this?" You heard a new voice. It was a guy with a pretty scary face. "This is [Last Name]-chan! You know, the one who interrupted the Toman meeting once." The blond had put a hand on your shoulder, and then used his other hand to gesture towards the other guy. "This is Peh-yan-kun. The Acting Third Division Captain!"

He leaned in close to your face, his eyes narrowing. "This chick is the one who disturbed the meeting!?"

You had to take a step back with your head hung low. Your arms gripping on your bunny friend, you glanced at Chifuyu who laughed awkwardly. "Sorry [Last Name]-san. Peh-yan-kun can be pretty aggressive, but he's a good guy. Promise."

You slowly bobbed your head in a nod, but were still wary of him. In the corner of your eyes, you saw something and you faced that direction. Only to have something smack you straight on the forehead. "What's that?" Chifuyu had the same question as you and he picked it up since it landed at his feet.

"Nooo!!" You all heard Takemichi yelling and you both turned to see him running at you. He seemed surprised to see you three together, but nonetheless, shouted at Chifuyu to give the item back.

But Chifuyu threw it backwards instead.

"You jerk! Why'd you throw it!?" He shouted as he ran after it again. "Sorry. Reflex." Chifuyu unapologetically apologized.

What unique reflexes he has... You began to walk away to actually do stuff, but somehow you got involved with chasing Takemichi down.

Once you were at the end, you saw some familiar and unfamiliar faces. You felt out of place in your normal outfit, but Mitsuya told you to just enjoy the event.

"Let's jump together, guys." You heard Mikey say, and you all counted down from ten. Though, you didn't shout like the others.


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