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HUMMING YOUR FAVOURITE TUNE, you strutted your way to Mikey's house once again.

Din-din-din-din-din-din-din-ding dong!

Your index practically spammed the doorbell and the door finally opened to reveal Mikey. His hair was down so he looked unusually cute. "Mikey-san, you look sleepy."

He coincidentally yawned as you said that. "That's because I am." He rubbed his eyes like a tired child. "I just woke up."

"It's... the afternoon."

"Ken-chin usually comes in the morning to wake me up. I didn't wake up though." Just as Mikey muttered that, Draken popped up from behind. "That's because you slept late last night."

"Ehh? Why?"

A vein popped up from Draken's head. "You suddenly called me to play games with you at 1 am, and fell asleep!" He then turned to you with a weird look. "What's with that?" He stared at the Nerf gun in your hand.

You held it up with a serious look. "I'm going to start a shooting."

Mikey seemed excited while Draken had a tired look as they both let you inside. You held both Mr. Froppé and the gun tightly while you observed around carefully.

"Mikey! Who's at the do― Oh."

You immediately aimed your Nerf gun at her and started shooting. With your eyes close... as if she was some sort of hideous monster and you had found a way to kill it.

Interestingly enough, all your bullets missed.

Mikey had to comfort your gloomy self and pick up the bullets. You sent a glare to Emma's direction like an angry dog barking. "U-Um... [Last Name]-chan... Can I join?" Emma referred to your desire to play. You pursed your lips, and looked over to Mikey who gave you a smile while Draken was nodding.

"Hmph. Fine."

You left your Nerf gun behind, grabbed Mr. Froppé and went out with the others.

The "game" you wanted to play was to ride on Mikey's shoulders apparently. They learnt that you came to Draken prior to this and he refused your request, saying it's dumb or something. "What!? Draken, how could you!?" You hear Emma scolding the said guy, who just shrugged.

"Mikey-san." You faced him. "I've always wanted to ride on someone's shoulders. Please grant my wish." Though your face was still stoney as ever, he could tell that you really wanted that. Plus, he thought it'd be fun too so he agreed.

"My life has never worked out this good." You exclaimed, feeling quite hyper. "Hop on." The short blond got down, and you lifted your leg up to one side of his shoulder, holding both Mr. Froppé and his head as you felt yourself getting higher. You gasped in excitement when you saw things further away in this height.

"Look, Draken-san! I'm taller than you!" You faced the male, who surprisingly had a smile on his face. "You're like a kid, [Last Name]-chan." Emma laughed. "You're really high up, [Last Name]-chan!"

Your facial expression changed a little. "...I am." You didn't threaten her, so Emma saw this as development and had to internally squeal. "Okay, [Name]! Ready? Where do we go?" Mikey exclaimed, feeling pretty excited himself as he usually never carried anyone before.

"Hm..." You never actually thought where to go. Only that you've always wanted a shoulder ride since little. Your mom was too weak to carry you, and your useless of a father hated your guts. Grandparents were too old, so that left your uncle and aunt.

"...[Name]?" Mikey moved his head up to look at you, but his view blocked by Mr. Froppé on top of his head. "...I want to go... to the riverbanks." You remembered when your aunt took you there. The sun was also down so the water looks incredibly beautiful. It was peaceful there too.

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