ᴛʜɪʀᴛʏ ꜱᴇᴠᴇɴ

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HE RAN AS QUICKLY AS he could, but that was all he could do. In a moment of panic, he had forgotten about his bike.

It was already too late to turn back though, so all he could do was to run.

Eventually, he made it.

The first thing he saw when he turned the corner were the fallen grocery bags in front, school bag, Mr. Froppé, as well as your phone.

He went to porch, immediately stiffening up when he saw it.

The house was almost in shambles. The windows were broken into, the walls had been egged and vandalised, the door was slightly taken off its hinges and the inside looked to be a complete mess.

“Auntie! Auntie, please wake up!”

He heard your cry, completely forgetting the disaster outside.

In the middle of the room, your aunt laid there, covered in blood and all sorts of injuries. She looked to have been brutally beaten.

“[Last Name]-chan, I’m here!” Chifuyu shouted, racing to your side.

“Ch-Chifuyu-san!” You exclaimed, holding your aunt in your arms. “Oh, what do I do!? She’s not waking up! What if... what if she’s...!” Your voice cracked, as you stared at her.

“Don't assume the worst yet.” Chifuyu checked her pulse. “It’s weak, but she’s still alive. Have you called the ambulance yet?” He asked.

“The... The ambulance! Oh, right, I-I completely forgot!” You dug into your pockets, only feeling your medication bottle, box cutter, paper slips, and a small bottle of water. “My phone... My phone’s not―...!”

“I’ll call, don’t worry.” Chifuyu turned on his own, dialling the number for an ambulance. Come on, I can’t panic now... For her sake... He bit his lip, trying to keep it together.

“Auntie, please wake up...”

Chifuyu looked over to you, sobbing as you wiped away the blood on her face with a handkerchief.

“Hello? What is your emergency?” The call answered, and a person’s voice was heard.

“We have a person who’s severely injured. She’s alive, but has a weak pulse.” Chifuyu informed. “We’re at...”


The ambulance arrived, and the paramedics carried your aunt onto the vehicle. You, of course, immediately followed them into the vehicle, leaving Chifuyu behind.

As he watched the vehicle drive away, he stepped back into the house, examining the room.

There were scratched marks on the floor. The rug near the entrance door was moved further back, all messy. Some of the chairs in the dining room had fallen down.

He cringed when he looked closer. There were clearly signs of struggle.

He looked around once again in the dining room.

It seemed like the culprit had only been near the dining room and kitchen. The living room area looked okay, if not a little messy around the floor.

“That reminds me... I’ve heard from Draken-kun that there have been ex-Tenjiku members beating up Toman guys...” He recalled.

It only started a day after Takemichi had went back into the future. Though, he had only heard about it hours later.

“Could it be...?”

ᴍᴇɴʜᴇʀᴀ // ᴍᴀᴛꜱᴜɴᴏ ᴄʜɪꜰᴜʏᴜWhere stories live. Discover now