ᴛᴡᴇɴᴛʏ ꜰᴏᴜʀ

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"Ah!" You yelped and let out a low moan in distress. "Aww... Mr. Froppé's hurt..." You held him up while Chifuyu watched as you patted Mr. Froppé's arm, singing a little song about pain going away. You definitely looked like a kid in that moment.

You and Chifuyu were on a little outing after school. After the two of you had went home and changed into your every day clothes, you two walked to places to places, chatting as you went. The weather was nice too. Cool and cloudy... The perfect day to go out.

As you comforted your maybe injured friend, Chifuyu remembered something and looked at you. "I never knew when to ask but... how did you learn how to fight?"

"Huh? Um..." You hesitated, never expecting that question but planned on answering. "I... wasn't born in Shibuya, so when I moved to live with Auntie, I had to learn some basic self-defense since Shibuya is known for various crime activities." You explained, patting Mr. Froppé's head as a finishing touch while you smiled a little. "Uncle was amazing! He taught me really cool moves you see in video games! Like! Like! Umm..." You stopped, wanting to show an example when you remembered the can of soda you were holding.

"Hrm... Oh, like this!" An idea popped up in your head as you handed the can to Chifuyu and instructed him to throw the can in the air (as high as he can, while also throwing it to the front) on three. Once on three, he threw the can and he saw as you lifted your leg, kicking the can higher before your body twisted down in doing a cartwheel kick.

The can fled, of course, and quite far away too.

You huffed as soon as your foot landed back on the solid ground. "Ugh... It's still hurts to do that..." You pouted, but turned to Chifuyu. "That kick is the hardest for-... me... Chifuyu-san?" You cocked your head in wonder as Chifuyu's cheeks turned red. "Uh― Well― It's nothing!" No way was he gonna tell you that you wore a (short) skirt and did a kick that basically revealed the entirety of your panty.

Chifuyu cleared his throat, forcing himself to look at you without feeling shy. "...Anyway, that kick was really cool." He said and you perked up at his words. If you were a dog, your tail would be swaying. "I'm happy that you liked it. It's hard for me to do that kick especially. Twisting my body towards the ground really hurts." Your shoulders slumped as he followed you to pick up the can.

You threw the can in a nearby trash can and went back to pick up Mr. Froppé again. "It hurts, but I'm still able to perform it so that's good at least..." You said, now walking in tow with Chifuyu. "Huh... Most delinquents actually learn how to fight by picking it up or learning it themselves. Never thought you learned it from your uncle." He hummed in thought.

"Well... I don't really like violence... so I don't think I'll really use much of the much more violent tricks unless I'm really angry." You told, then looked down on Mr. Froppé. "...Mr. Froppé is really precious to me. Making fun of him is one thing, but hurting him hurts me entire being." Chifuyu glanced at your direction, seeing the seriousness on your face. "My family weren't that well-off, and my father usually handles the financial stuff, so my mom and I didn't really had any money other than to buy necessities. But one day, she came back and got this on my birthday."

"I was bored without toys or any sort of entertainment, so she gave me a toy of my own." You looked so happy telling stories of your mom. "Father always looked down on Mr. Froppé, and never acknowledged him, but he never took him away from me." Your eyes relaxed, clutching your bunny friend. "It was the best thing I ever got from her." But then you stopped the conversation, apologising.

"Er― Sorry. I don't wanna talk about it especially when we're supposed to be enjoying our time together." He waved his hands, dismissing it. "Oh, by the way," Chifuyu turned the topic to something else. "I think... Mm..." It was hard for him to put it into words. As you cocked your head in curiosity, he spoke again. "Are you... sure you want to fight with us? Our battle against Tenjiku."

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