ᴛʜɪʀᴛʏ ᴛᴡᴏ

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YOU SUCKED IN A DEEP BREATH, before releasing it all out, slouching your shoulders.

"You okay, [Last Name]-chan?" Chifuyu looked at you, concerned.

You had just arrived at the place where Tenjiku was supposedly fighting Toman, and was walking with everyone else to the area.

"...Yes. Yeah, I'm okay." Your hands clenched, steeling your nerves.

His eyebrow raised, as if not convinced. "It's okay, I get it. It's nerve-racking, right?" You nodded slightly, gripping onto the fabric of your pants. He continued, "I'm already used to it, and to be honest, sometimes it's a little exciting, to be fighting this many people, but you'll be fine. Don't get too worked up on it." He tried to encourage.

"Right..." You looked back to the front, where you're all inching closer to the exact spot. "I'm not afraid of getting beaten up... I'm just afraid of holding someone back with me..." You paused. "...And getting beat up." You awkwardly added. "I guess I'm not used to fighting alongside other people?"

Chifuyu smiled, putting a hand on your shoulder. "This is all about team effort. You might not feel like it at first, but once you get into it, you'll slowly get accustomed. Believe in yourself, alright? You got this!"

Somehow, you felt a little better hearing that. You didn't bring Mr. Froppé ― with this fight being too dangerous and all ― so you lost some sense of comfort, but his words and his all-knowing grin made you feel like you really could do it, even if you don't believe in yourself.

"By the way..." Chifuyu changed the subject. "Takemitchy and I will be going for Kisaki, so..."

"Hm?" You tilted your head before knowing what he meant. "Ah. No, it's fine. You can go on ahead. That's where all the stronger fighters would be, right? I'll just stay in the back with everyone else."

Chifuyu looked relieved hearing you say that. "I would rather stay with you and fight, but my priority is him right now." He turned to the front, as you're nearing closer.

You nodded, a smile forming on your face. You faced forward too, starting to feel a little nervous, but not as bad compared to before.

You had almost forgotten, but Chifuyu was still the vice-captain of his division, so it'd make sense for him to be at the front.

And while you don't want to leave his side, you really also don't want to stay in the front.

The front is where all the attention will be, and you sure don't want that. Not that anyone would bother to pay attention to me. You internally admitted. You deliberately walked slower now, trying to stray back.

You breathed in a few times, attempting to clear your head. And though you're not at the front, you had made sure not to stay too far back.

You heard some guy talking. A guy with white hair... Hm? You wondered why he would choose a hair colour that makes him look old.

Then, another guy stepped forward. "Today's forerunner will be me!!" He shouted. You noted that he had some crazy hair going on. "Former president of the Black Dragons, Tenjiku Four Heavenly Kings... Madarame Shion!"

"Who will Toman send!?"

Huh...? You didn't get what he meant. You heard the group near Takemichi talking about some S-62's infamous ritual of starting a one-on-one fight. Is that how it is? You really don't get delinquent traditions.

"Come on, stop joking around, Toman!!" The guy started shouting again. "Mikey, Draken, Mitsuya and Smiley ― Not even one of your MVP's are around, and no one's around to be forerunner too!?"

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