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ARRIVING AT THE MEETING safely, you and Chifuyu got off the bike. You patted Mr. Froppé's head, and started hearing murmurs around you. Well, it wasn't anything new, but you still listened to them.

"Oi, Chifuyu brought a chick."

"Isn't she the one who barged in our meeting the other time?"

"She is. The hell is she doing here?"

Your lips slightly opened to let a loud sigh out, signalling everyone that you can hear them. Your eyes glanced at them in turn, some avoided their eyes, since you were either the First Division Vice-Captain's guest, or Mikey's, while most stared you down.

You finally averted your gaze to the ground, your hand pulling your sleeve down. "Oh, [Name]!" You heard Mikey's voice. "So glad you could come. Anyway, the meeting's about to start."

Then Chifuyu spoke, "Yeah. I have to get to my station soon, so you'll have to follow Mikey."

You nodded, and everyone in this area was starting to leave. All of a sudden, you had an urge to turn around, so you did. Your eyes met with foreign ones. He wore glasses and he was staring at you pretty intently. Once he noticed your gaze, he turned away and went with the others.



You followed behind Mikey and Draken while the members of Toman bowed at them. Behind you were all the captains of each division. You clutched Mr. Froppé to your stomach, looking around. You almost feel like royalty. Almost.

You were slowly getting more to the front, the other captains got to their respective places, and Mikey and Draken got to the very front. Once Mikey turned around to face every member, you felt something odd.

Mikey then turned to you. "[Name], you can just watch from the sidelines." He told and you got behind and sat down, a couple meters away.

Mikey-san seems like a different person the moment he got here. Is that the kind of authority he has as Toman's president? It was really amazing, considering how he also has this childlike and fun personality. You can never be something close to that. You can tell people already think you're a pushover for wearing a uniform and carrying Mr. Froppé.

They judge too quickly. But then again, you judge too, so who cares?

You sat there but couldn't stay in one spot so you had to get up and walk around, while also listening to Mikey talking since well... He is talking very loudly. Somewhere a bit further away, you saw something ginger. It was a cat.

They (the members facing the front), could see you putting down the bunny, patting it and saying something before going off somewhere. You came back with a cat, oddly enough.

They found it hard to listen to Hakkai apologising to everyone.

You put the cat down, and once it saw Mr. Froppé, its first instinct was to scratch it. Thank god you were quicker than that, so you immediately pulled him away. Way up high, and completely standing up in fear that the cat could somehow reach your bunny friend at such a height and hurt him.

They saw you standing still for a moment, staring down at the cat who rubbed its fur against you, before you walked over to Draken. You poked him a few times, and stretched your arms out completely with the bunny. Draken looked confused, but took the stuffed toy.

You had apparently went back, stroked the cat's head, and carried it... Only to throw it aside with every ounce of strength you got once you got to the side. The cat screeched, obviously, that even Mikey had to stop in his speech. Two seconds of silence before continuing without turning back. Everyone sweatdropped at the ridiculousness.

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