ᴛʜɪʀᴛʏ ᴇɪɢʜᴛ

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YOU TRIED YOUR BEST. Really, you did.

Maybe your face didn't show it, but you really tried to suppress it.

A hand fell on your shoulder, and you looked to see your aunt beside you. She crouched down, and wrapped her arms around you.

You buried your face into her shoulder, hugging her just as tightly as she did with you.

You could've sworn either of you was trembling. Or maybe both of you were. Only holding each other for support.

The day of your uncle's funeral seemed to drag on forever. You didn't want to be there anymore, but the entire process of a funeral wasn't easy.

Before the event, you have to do a lot of work. For example, hire a priest, buy a coffin, set up a venue, having the necessary documents of the deceased, and more.

It was tiring for your aunt, and you were too... ignorant to understand or help.

Both of you had to prepare everything with him in mind. It was hard on you, but you were sure his death hit harder on your aunt as well.

You only knew him for less than a year, while she had been with him for far longer than you, so you couldn't even imagine the pain she must've felt.

You tried really hard not to cry.

Even when everyone around was crying, you stayed unemotional.

Soon, it ended. Finally, it ended.

But once you shut the door behind you, went to bed, crying until you slept.

You really did try your best.


"This behaviour is completely unacceptable!" The teacher stood beside a desk as she shouted.

"I agree." The principal on the chair spoke. "Regardless of the reason, violence is not tolerated here."


"No more excuses, [Last Name]-san. How many excuses are you going to give?" The principal sighed deeply, clearly exhausted. "None of the students that were near testified to that. You're only hurting your own case." He scrutinised your form. "I have no choice but to call your guardians about this." He said, dialling on the phone.

You directed your gaze at the ground, glaring at it as if somehow it was its fault. Go to hell, you balding fatass. What do you know about your students? They're all just afraid.

You knew it wasn't really his fault, and your anger was directed at the wrong person, but you just couldn't help it.

If you really thought about it, it would make sense why they didn't believe you. It was only your statement against everyone else's.

Later, when you get home...


Your aunt called once you entered the door. She came over to you, crouching down. "I got a call from your principal. You've been fighting other students?" She looked deeply worried.

ᴍᴇɴʜᴇʀᴀ // ᴍᴀᴛꜱᴜɴᴏ ᴄʜɪꜰᴜʏᴜWhere stories live. Discover now