ᴛᴡᴇɴᴛʏ ꜱɪx

543 23 2

TAKING DEEP BREATHS, YOU stared at the piece of paper in your hands. The words written on it were the script of your apologies. You had Mitsuya helped you with it because clearly you have not talked to enough people to know how to form a proper apology.

After making sure you knew how you would phrase your apology, you folded the paper and put it in your skirt pocket. You looked at the time on your cell phone.

He hasn't arrived yet.

It's been five minutes since you told him the time when you two should meet. You were becoming worried that he was ignoring your message and was not coming.

Maybe he totally hates my guts now? No, that's... impossible, right?

You know that he's genuinely a nice guy, but you still couldn't brush off the worries in your head.

People passed by, their eyes lingering on your form for a second before diverting their attention elsewhere once out of range.

You wondered if they thought you were waiting for someone.

Perhaps even worse. Being ghosted by a date or something.

You prayed that not one of your bullies would pass by. Else, you would suffer their harassment at school for being "ghosted."

I mean, I deserved it. I was really mean to him.

Convincing yourself, you wished that you hadn't tucked Mr. Froppé in a pile of comfortable blankets at home and let you deal with this on your own.

Standing here now, in public, where everyone can see you, feels like a void. An empty dark void where nothing here can be seen nor heard.

It was just you and you alone with no other to share this sense of loneliness in your heart.

You lost count of how long you waited. Maybe it hasn't even been that long, but for some reason, you didn't feel like he was coming.

So, you walked out of there.

You took out your phone, dialling your aunt.

"Auntie, did you leave yet?"

Tap, tap, tap!

You heard your aunt's concern voice. "What happened? Did it not go well for you?"

You didn't want to talk about it, so you stayed silent.

The moment you opened your lips to speak though, you felt a hand on your shoulder. It was a firm hold, so you were immediately on guard when you felt it.

But you also heard... panting?

You slowly turned around, removing the phone from your ear.

"Chi...-fuyu-san?" You were surprised, to say the least.

Was he really standing right in front of you? You weren't hallucinating him right now, right?

You could see sweat running down his face, like he had been running. His body and knees were bent, implying his exhaustion. Which would also explain his firm grip.

"[Last Name]-... chan..." He was taking in heavy breaths, slowly retracting his hand on your shoulder to wipe away his sweat.

Weird... He's a skilled fighter, so why would running around a little tired him so much? Unless he... maybe... ran like a mile before coming...

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