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THE SCHOOL BELL RANG for the last period. Many students came pouring out of the classrooms, wanting to go back home and sleep.

You were among one of the people. You held Mr. Froppé with you as you make your way through the thick crowd. "Excuse me... Please let me through." Although you tried to nicely ask them, they wouldn't budge. Probably because of how noisy it was. Seeing how you have no choice, you squeezed in-between people, your feet getting tangled with others. It was a miracle that you didn't fall.

Finally, you made it out, sort of. Your torso was out, but unfortunately your leg was stuck. How was it stuck? You had absolutely no clue. It wasn't like everybody were glued together, and surely not everyone's legs aren't THAT fat, right? You pulled your leg out without turning back with as much strength as you can.


As a result, your body fell forward, and your face smacked straight onto somebody's behind. Said somebody quickly turned around in a panic, and stared down at your form on all fours. "U-Uh... Are you... okay?" Albeit still embarrassed, he managed to ask.

"...Yeah. I'm okay." You slowly stood, eyes meeting blue ones. "I think." He sweatdropped at your response, and noticed a grayish bunny plush on the floor. He picked it up and held it out to you. "Is this yours?"

"Oh, Mr. Froppé!" You muttered a thank-you before hugging the bunny tightly to your chest. "Thank you for giving him to me. And um..." You sheepishly scratched your cheek. "Sorry for headbutting your butt."

The blond immediately tensed up at your apology, his cheeks red and his hand subconsciously covered his rear. "I-It's fine! It was an accident, right?"

You nodded.

"Yeah..." He ended. "So... I'll go on ahead now." He started walking away. "Don't go headbutting butts now, okay?" He gave you a wide grin, before running off, and you returned a smile to his back.

"Yo, Chifuyu!" Baji smacked his friend's back. "What took ya so long?" The said boy groaned in pain and rubbed his back, replying. "Just got in an accident on the way."

The black haired male slung an arm around his buddy's shoulder, leaning in closely with a smirk. "Hey now, don't tell me you started seein' a girl?"

At the mention of "girl," Chifuyu's face burned up. His reaction was all Baji needed to confirm his theory as he laughed at his friend's embarrassment. "It's not like that, Baji-san! I swear!" The male tried to deny it, but to no avail.

He ended up being the butt of Baji's jokes for the rest of the day.


You released a content sigh as soon as you reached home. "Auntie! I'm home!"

No response. Auntie's probably still at work. You thought. You didn't mind though, while you quickly went to put down your book bag. Grabbing a new change of clothes, you headed over to the bathroom.

"Stay here, okay, Mr. Froppé? I'm gonna go bathe." You lovingly stroked his head, smiling to yourself and changed out of your uniform.

The sounds of water pitter patter-ing filled the bathroom. Hot steams coming out of the shower. You doused a handful of shampoo, rubbing your hands together and putting some on your hair. Your fingers gently massaged your scalp.

After that, you let the water wash away the shampoo while you thought about what to do after. I should take Mr. Froppé on a walk. Oh, but I think have some homework left to do... Your ears picked up the sound of the main door opening and closing. You quickly finished your bath and got out with Mr. Froppé.

"Auntie!" Once you saw her, you couldn't help from jump straight into her arms. "[Name], what did I tell you about glomping me?" She scolded, but you knew she meant well. You quickly backed away, raising one of Mr. Froppé's arms to wave. "Mr. Froppé says hello."

Your aunt laughed and patted his head. "Hello to you too, Mr. Froppé." She loosened her shirt out, now feeling much more comfortable as she faced you. "I'll cook dinner now. Lend me a hand?"

You nodded excitedly, setting down your rabbit friend on the couch and turned the TV on. "Mr. Froppé, I'm gonna go help Auntie now, okay? Watch some cartoons while you wait." Like last time, you gave him a good head rub before helping your aunt.

After you've done that, you ate your delicious dinner. You told your aunt that you'll be in your room, and hurriedly went in, not forgetting to bring Mr. Froppé too.

A sigh escaped your lips when you plopped down on your seat. You sat Mr. Froppé on your lap while you took a pencil and started writing on a piece of paper.

Dear Mom,
How are you doing? Me and Mr. Froppé are doing just fine. We just got back from school. Auntie's cooking was delicious as usual. And I didn't forget to bathe Mr. Froppé this time! He was a bit resistant, but I managed.

Oh, and I accidentally face-bumped into a guy's butt today. He had blonde hair and blue eyes, if I remember. And he had an under-cut too. You don't see people with hairstyles like that often. He helped pick up Mr. Froppé after we fell. "Blondie" was really nice. I hope we get to interact more.

You stopped in your letter, the back of your pencil poking in your cheek, trying to remember what else to tell her, before making an 'o' with your mouth and quickly writing it in.

My teacher scolded me today. He said that I should stop being a child and stop bringing Mr. Froppé to school. I told him that we were soulmates that can't be separated, and he yelled at me for talking back at him. I understand that I was harsh with my words, but because he sent me to the principle's office, I didn't get to eat lunch. Oh, but I made it all up with Auntie's food so don't worry! I don't want to risk getting gastric again. Those really hurt.

Your eyes trailed over to the clock on your desk. It was currently 10:32 P.M. and you quickly end the letter with a "goodbye" and a "hope that you respond soon" before folding the paper in half and slipping it in an envelope. You drew open your drawer and carefully laid your envelope inside, closing it afterwards.

"Mr. Froppé. For some reason, I feel like days are going to get better." You smiled at your bunny friend. "I'm unsure of the reason, but I just have this feeling, you know?" Your hands reached to grab him, hugging him close to your body. "...I hope it does though. Peaceful days like these are the best."

You shut your eyelids, recalling the times you've spent with Mr. Froppé, your mom and your aunt. Those were really fun times.

"...And of course, you're the best too, Mr. Froppé!"

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