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Growing up for me was really easy, success was basically handed to me and everything was easy. My parents loved me and they always took care of me.

I wish my whole life could have gone like that. But when I got to the 6th grade, we lost my sister. Watching my parents cry broke me, but I stayed strong.

Years passed and I was loosing my connection with my parents.

Now, that I'm finishing up my senior year of highschool, I'm able to go where I want and do what I want. My parents barely payed any attention to me because I became "a burden". On that day I chose I would take care of myself and not care what my parents have to think about me.

Since then I've felt so much better, I feel a sense of relief. The only thing holding me back was Mr. Wauback in my anatomy and physiology class

"Y/n, are you paying attention? I asked where the stapes is located in the body?" He blurted at me

"The stapes is a small bone located in the middle part of the ear" I mumble back to him. Senior year hasn't been all that hard.

I was supposed to graduate almost a year ago, I had a high enough GPA and my credits were high enough for me to do it, but my mom wouldn't pay to let me graduate early.

So for senior year I chose the easiest classes I could. I unfortunately got put in anatomy and physiology. Which was pretty hard for me seeing as I knew absolutely nothing.

I was already accepted into a college in Boston, Massachusetts. An old friend alahna lives out there and I'm so excited to leave this hell hole, California.

Before I knew it class was over. I grabbed my things and walked out the door.

I only have a few friends in school, only 3. They were the only friends I needed, I don't need anyone else's validation. Which is why I haven't thought about relationships. I used to find guys so fascinating and wonderful. Then I wondered if I even liked guys, now I'm not sure who I want to like. Or if I even want to like

I don't tell anyone about that though, because those feelings have been behind closed doors for long enough that I started to not care anymore.

My friends, Carmella, Lucy and Luke have always been supportive of me and my decisions. Neither of them were planning to go to college. They planned for years to save up money so we could all go to France or Tokyo together.

But I was going to Massachusetts for college, they collectively made the decision to move all 4 of us to Massachusetts to be able to have a home together and for me to still be able to go to college.

I love them so much, they were the only people I ever had since my sister.

"C'mon chick! We gotta get you home so we can start packing your shit!" Carmella shouted towards me

I felt a sudden contact to my head, I turn my head to see Luke and Lucy behind me.

Luke and Lucy are twins, they don't acknowledge it though. Carmella is my cousin, we all met at some sketchy cheap fake church camp back when we were all 9.

Since then we've been close friends, we share almost everything with each other.

I walk up to Carmella she smirks at me.

"What!?" I ask her

"He so likes you" she said, discreetly pointing to Luke and his group of friends. More like Justin, who's had a crush on me since freshman year.

"I already know just has a crush on me! It's gross!" I say, wanting to back away in discust as I look over at him.

"Girl, I'm not talking about Justin, I'm talking about Luke" she raises her eyebrows at me.

I roll my eyes, we kissed once...ONCE. Besides it was only for New Years it meant nothing!

Maybe I did have feelings for him but that was a while ago, I'm moving to Massachusetts, I'm gonna find new people.

I got a text from someone, it was alahna.

Hey, you're still coming to Massachusetts right?

Ofcourse I am

Great! I have some people I want you to meet when you get here

Cool, I should be there by tuesday

See you then

Who did she want me to meet? I was excited but nervous. My plan was to leave the school year early, do my school work in Massachusetts and come back here for graduation.

I didn't need to physically be in class to learn things. Besides I already took most of those classes.

I noticed my friends had already starting walking to the car.

I took my time walking towards them, none of them can drive. I'm the only one that can.

"Hurry up, y/n! We need to start packing" Lucy shouts to me

I start awkwardly running to the car, with all my bags from my lockers.

When I get in the car all three of them begin to stare.

"What?" I look back at them

They all shake their heads, I shrugged it off and began driving home.

On the way home I thought about the choice I was about to make pretty soon.

Did I really want to go to Massachusetts or was a just saying that because I don't want to live in California anymore?

The thought resonated in my head, hopefully a night of sleep could help me decide what I really want.

I hope you liked this first one, I'm not the greatest at writing so...yeah.

I hope that I get better at this :)

Chris Sturniolo × fem readerWhere stories live. Discover now