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Chris POV

I woke up an hour or two later to see
y/n peacefully asleep next to me.

I smiled before gently sliding off the bed, being careful not to wake her up.

I gently closed her door and walked out of the room to see Nick and Matt on the couch with the TV on and neither one of them paying attention to it.

Matt sees me and smiles.

"Have a nice nap?" Matt asks

"For real, you two were knocked out for a minute" Nick laughs

"I didn't expect to fall asleep" I say heading to the kitchen for a glass of water.

I drank the water and put the dish in the sink. Then Nick came up to me in the kitchen

"I feel like we should start packing now to get it over with while there is still light outside" He says

"Ok, but we all know I'm packing the trunk" I say

Whenever we went on trips I am always the one to pack the trunk (iykyk).

"Yeah, ok. We get it" Nick says walking to get his luggage.

Since we were packing the car up, I had to get y/n's luggage. So i snuck into her room and grabbed her stuff.

Then I silently left the room. Once everything was packed in the car it was about 30 minutes past 12.

So I made myself a snack. As I was eating my snack, y/n walked into the kitchen.

I greeted her with a smile, she returned one.


When I woke up, Chris was gone. I checked the time on my phone to see it was about 12:30, so I got up.

When I got up I noticed my luggage was gone.

Maybe the boys took it to the car already

I get out of the bed and go straight to the kitchen, I was hungry as hell.

I walked into the kitchen and immediately saw Chris making himself a snack.

He noticed me a shot me a welcoming smile, so I shot one back.

I helped myself to some snacks and dat on thr couch next to nick. Usually I would feel uncomfortable with getting food for myself at other people's houses.

But while I'm here, I don't feel uncomfortable. According to Mary Lou, I technically live here.

I waited for Trevor to sit by my feet and wait for food to fall into his reach but he wasn't there.

While I was eating, Chris stood behind nick for a second then ran away laughing extremely loud.

I look at Matt and Nick, they both look confused.

"Kid, sit the fuck down" Nick says

I hide my laughter, Chris's laugh was highly contagious.

Matt started laughing, making me laugh a little harder.

"The fuck are yall laughing at" Nick yells watching Chris laugh.

I honestly had no idea what they were laughing at. I was so confused but I was laughing at Chris's laugh.

"Yall are fucking weird, I can’t handle this shit" Nick says before getting off the couch and leaving.

The rest of the day was a blur. I didn't remember how I made time pass. But soon it was time to get on the plane.

I didn't sleep that night at all. I had no idea what had been keeping me up, but I just couldn't sleep.

When it came time to leave we packed snacks in the trunk while Matt drove us to the air port.

Everyone stayed awake for the car ride. We sang...a lot. And Chris wouldn't stop with his stupid jokes.

The car ride felt like 10 minutes. But as usual getting in the airport and getting on the plane took forever.

I never understood the logic of why everytime I went on a plane there would be so many people in the airport.

Nick made the wait feel shorter by explaining everything to me. About what they usually do in cali, similar stuff to what Chris told me.

"Ok you guys ready?" Nick asks as we are called for our flight

"Yup!" We all say.

In the airplane Chris begged for the widow seat, so him and I switched seats.

Chris and I were seated on the right side of the plane. Matt and Nick were on the left side.

When the flight took off it scared the shit out of me. Which alarmed Chris.

"You ok?" He asked looking concerned

"Yeah, im fine" I say

After that whole embarrassing encounter with Chris I fell asleep on Chris's shoulder.

I felt bad until he eventually leaned his head on mine and fell asleep.

Nick POV

I looked over to where y/n and Chris were sitting to see them both asleep on eachother. I smiled to myself.

"What are you looking at?" Matt asks.

I point over to where the two were sitting. And Matt looked at me with a surprised look on his face.

I thought they were good for eachother. They are comfortable around eachtoher despite only knowing eachother for only a couple months.

I think y/n is good for Chris.

Chris Sturniolo × fem readerWhere stories live. Discover now