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The next morning I woke up early, ate some breakfast and went out to get some new toiletries for the trip since I had none. Lucy had asked to tag along so I said yes.

"Ok, so you are you gonna tell Chris how you feel about him or what? I feel like this trip would be the perfect time to tell him, y'know?" Lucy says as she forces me to push her in the target shopping cart.

"One, you're too heavy for this cart. Two, no...I'm not telling him" I say throwing items in the cart which ended up hitting her.

"C'mon, I'll bet 1 thousand dollars, which I don't have, that he likes you"

Ever since I unintentionally admitted to liking him a while ago, Lucy has been going on and on about how she thinks he likes me back.

It took Lucy and I a total of 2 hours to find my stuff for the trip. Mainly because Lucy wanted to play with all the little kids toys.

By the time we were done shopping it was almost time for me to leave for their house.

This was going to be the first time I spend the night at their house. I had to admit I was excited.

After target I went straight back to my house to say goodbye before I left.

As sorry as I felt for leaving my friends in Massachusetts while I went on a vacation...this week was about to be insanely fun.

"Ok, are you sure you have everything?" Carmella says going through the list of things I'd need

"Carmella, I'm sure I have everything" I say, even though Carmella was literally the youngest of the 4 of us, she always treated me like I was the youngest.

She rolled her eyes and walked away, tossing the list aside.

"Look, I've got it all under control. I'll be fine" I check the time "Oh shit i gotta go"

All my stuff was already in the car so I just grabbed the stuff from target and headed out the door.

Of course I gave them all long and tight hugs before I left.

"I love you guys" I wave good bye and I drive away.

I drove over to the triplets house, I texted Chris when I was down the street and he met me at the front door.

He helped me with my luggage and brought them to the guest room for me.

When we got to my room, we layed on the guest bed and he began going through all the things we were gonna do in LA.

"Ok so we're going to most likely going to go out to eat with our friend, Madi and her mom Laura. Our friend Elmer is gonna be performing..." He went on and on.

The triplets and I had become so much closer than I had expected, not that it was a bad thing though.

Maybe it's because of how he treats me so nicely and how he's so aware of me and he's constantly checking up on how I'm feeling. But since I've first met Chris, I see him differently than I did.

I don't want to make our friendship uncomfortable at all though. Which is why I don't plan to tell him at all, I don't plan to say anything about it.

"Y/n?" I hear Chris say


"Are you seriously sure you want to do this? Like, travel with us?"

"Of course I do, if I didn't want to i would have said no" I say shrugging

Just after I finished speaking, Nick and Matt came in. Nick looked ecstatic before he asked

"Mom brought home cookie dough...can we bake some cookies?"

I smiled before saying yes and hopping off the bed, I look over at Chris to see if he was gonna come along

"Im down" He said before slipping off the bed and following us go the kitchen.

I'd been to their house before so I knew my way around their house already. I know their mom (we love Mary Lou), their dad, and their dog. Trevor is my personal favorite in the sturniolo family.

We got to the kitchen and I don't know how anyone can manage to get messy with pre-made cookie dough but Matt and Chris somehow did it.

In the end 3 bits of cookie dough were smushed all over the table and the cookies were almost burnt because Nick forgot to put a timer on the oven.

We sat in the living room and had fun conversations before going to bed. After all we had a flight tommorow.

I was worried that I was going to have to wake up insanely early for the plane, but it was leaving at a decent time in the afternoon.

Nick said he wanted to go to lunch before we left. I liked the idea.

Before I went to bed I texted Carmella that I was doing just fine.

With that I went to sleep.


Sorry this part took soooo long to put out. I've been a bit busy recently but o can finally start my summer for real.

I want to put maybe 1 part out a day but we'll see how that goes lol.

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