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The next few day of the trip was just pure ecstacy and bliss. Every day was like an absolute dream.

We ate good, every single day. I felt like I was never bored. It was the most perfect thing ever.

Nick and I had our personal time for a little bit. We got to talk and have fun. Just me and him. Like a heart to heart moment. It was nice.

Matt and I had a night where we made food together. He didn't know how to cook, but I showed him a few things that helped him get better at it.

Chris and I hung out one on one aswell. Except it was different. Whenever i am with Chris. I feel a sort of happiness and extreme excitement in my stomach.

I never knew what it was but once I explained the feeling to Madi, she told me that she thinks I have a crush.

I completely denied it. There was no way. We were just friends and that was all it was.

After that she dropped it...I think.

It was now Thursday, I really am not ready to leave yet. I've had so much fun already.

Yesterday I got to watch the triplets make their YouTube video, I decided not to be in it just so that I could watch.

It was fun honestly.

Nick wanted me to record the next one with them, so I said yes. That's what we were doing today.

All five of us were going to sit in the car and make a car video. I was extremely nervous but I promised nick I would do it.

We sat in the car that we rented out. Then Matt drove to the nearest McDonald's.

All I got was fries and a drink. I was to nervous to actually eat.

Then Matt pulled into an empty parking lot, even though it was the middle of the day the parking lot was still empty.

"Ok nick where's the camera?" Chris asks.

I stayed quiet and still. The thought of a camera on me the whole time watching my every move for the next half hour or so freaked me out.

"You look scared, y/n" Nick points out.

"Well, I'm a little nervous" liar, you're nervous as shit

"Don't worry, just be yourself, act natural and you'll be fine. You're a naturally fun person anyway" Chris says casually.

Time skip

The recording process went by so fast. I don't remember half of it. I noticed that I didn't see the triplets as famous people, I saw them as friends.

All of them acted as they normally would so I knew I was stressing over nothing. Becoming friends with the triplets and not knowing thir fane helped me feel less nervous while recording.

I was proud to say I was on their channel. It was totally a fun and safe space. I could tell that Nick, Matt and Chris felt like they could be themselves while recording.

It was probably because their fans were used to their weird funny shit.

"You did a great job for your first time being in a video" Madi applauded to me.

"Thank you, thankfully you guys make me feel safe to be myself when I want to" I say in a grateful tone.

"Of course" Madi says

Suddenly Chris runs toward us, he almost fell because he's wearing Birkenstocks. This caused Madi and I to begin laughing extremely hard.

"You good Chris?" I ask, still laughing a little bit.

"Laura, set off the fire pit in the backyard, and she has stuff to make smores, so come on" He says, clearly out of breath

Madi and I follow Chris to the backyard, there we are met by Laura, Matt and Nick waiting for us.

"Alright guys come on in" Laura invites us.

"Oh! Can we like tell scary stories and shit" Matt asks.

Everyone agrees. And that's how the night ended.

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