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The trip was coming to an end, we leave LA, tommrow night. It was Saturday now. I had no idea but tonight was going to be the best last night in LA for me.

It started when I stepped out of my room. That morning and went to go get breakfast, Laura wasn't there so I made myself breakfast.

I searched the house for forever. No body was here. I mean where could they have gone.

I got hot and had to sit down for a minute. That's when everyone came in unexpectedly.

"Finally! Where have you all been?" I ask still trying to cool down

"Sorry, we went to get some snack for a movie later, you were still asleep" Madi says tossing me my favorite candies.

I shrugged and layed back on the couch, slowly cooling down.

I saw Chris walking towards me awkwardly so I turned my head to look at him.

"What's up?" I ask him

He takes a seat next to me and we begin to conversate.

"You remember how we went to that dinner place back in Somerville, just you and me?" He asks.

"Yeah" I say waiting for him to continue.

"Well, I wanted to continue that. I was wondering if...you would want to do that sort of thing again tonight?" He scratches his head awkwardly.

I smile at his adorable attempts to seem to know what he's doing.

"I'd love that, Chris" I say.

As soon as I said yes Matt, nick, and Madi come yelling from around the corner, hyping Chris up.

I laugh at them as they embarrass Chris.

Soon it came time for lunch and Laura had made us so much food.

"Thank you so much Laura" I thank her, she had been sweet the entire trip. I couldn't be more greatful for how she treated us during this vacation.

All 5 of us sat in the living room, with the TV on, playing nickelodeon.

I kept catching moments where Chris and I would accidentally stare at eachother.

Shit...what if he thinks I have a staring problem?

Everytime our staring contest would begin I would play it off by giving him a simple smile.

I had no idea what was wrong. Was there something on my face? God I hope not.

The day went fast and it was time for me to get ready. I showered then I had to ask Madi for outfits.

Unfortunately I didn't see thing night coming so I didn't pack clothes for a night out.

Fortunately, she did.

Once I had the outfit on (use your imagination for this.) Madi immediately started hyping me up.

"Oh my God, you look like a goddess. You loon absolutely amazing, y/n. You are a literal work of art" she smiles at me.

I thank her before deciding to do my makeup, which took some time because I wasn't used to it. Then I put on my shoes and got ready to go.

"You ready?" Chris asks

"Yup" i smile at him.

The group watches as we drive off.

We get to the diner and it looks beautiful inside. We get to the front register and a man in a nice white button-up welcomes us.

"Reservation for chris" Chris says to the nice man.

He checked his reservation list and let us inside. He took us to our seats.

We were seated perfectly aligned with the window where I watched people pass by.

"What's all this about?" I ask him, I wasn't able to contain my happiness at this point.

He shrugs.

Chris POV

We got to our seats and made ourselves comfortable. She began looking around, a soft smile on her face. It made me happy to see her like this.

"What's this all about?" She asks me. I could tell she was happy.

I shrug.

I had no idea why I did this. Not that it was a bad idea but I just felt like doing something nice for her.

She was smiling ear to ear. Her full smile was perfect. I knew it was probably too early to tell her how I feel about her, so the whole night I didn't say anything about how I really feel about her.

Your POV

The night was great, we talked a lot and made some fun memories. I knew Carmella would get on my ass about this one.

Although I noticed during dinner Chris seemed like he wasn't being himself. Maybe it was because he wasn't with his brothers. It was almost like he really had something he wanted to say.

I had something I wanted to say. I wanted to tell him how I felt so bad, but it was probably to early...too soon.

Yesterday I promised to put 2 parts out today, so I did. I really hope you guys are liking the story so far!! Please please please leave recommendations for some parts of the story, I would love to hear and use your ideas!!!

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