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I waited for nick to come pick me up and bring me to the airport so we could talk about the whole situation.

We took an Uber and once we got situated in the airplane I told him everything. Like...everything.

"So...your mom and dad faked a disease...and told you he was dying to get you to come home, and you unenrolled from college and lied to Chris by not telling him you loved him back so now you're worried he hates you and you just wanna tell him how you feel?" Nick repeats

"To sum it up, yeah" I respond

I say in silence while Nick watched me.

Nick POV

I wanted to tell her so bad that Chris didn't hate her, but I knew it would be so much better if Chris told her himself.

Since we had left LA he had been talking nonstop about how upset he was that she hadn't said anything back to him after he had confessed, fun fact he actually cried about it last night.

When I told Matt and Chris I was fling to go pick hey up, Chris looked excited a little bit. So did Barry but Chris looked relieved.

"Does he hate me, nick? Cuz i just feel like he does." She says looking at me with complete concern.

I say nothing, I just shrug. I look away from her, knowing that one she apologized to Chris he was going to act like he was never upset.

"Nick, what does that mean?" She looks at me

"It means I don't know!"

"How do you not know! Don't you guys have like triplet telepathy?"

"That's not a thing, y/n"

After that she was silent the whole flight. She didn't say a word. 

One we got off and after I called another Uber to come get us. I asked her...

"Why didn't you two Chris how you felt?"

She looked at me with 100% seriousness and said

"To be honest, I've never had a serious crush like this, I used to just admire boys from a distance, I hardly hung out with any. But when I met you guys I felt more at ease. When i first met you guys I thought you guys weren't gonna like me"

"Whyd you think that?"

She shrugged them continued her story.

"When Chris and I would hang out by ourselves, we would get into deep conversations about ourselves. Like conversations I would never have with anyone else. I guess I just became really comfortable with you guys, especially Chris. To the point where I thought confessing my feelings would have been weird"

I somehow understood everything about what she had just said. Still, I said nothing. I wanted her to explain this all to him personally.

That night in LA he told Matt and I that he wanted to confess to get so bad, but he says he was going to wait until a even better time to do it.

I honestly felt bad for y/n she gave up her dream college and her crush all for her lying parents.

"Everything is gonna be ok, alright?" I reassure her as the Uber stops at the house.

I help her with her bags and our them back in her room.

"Just talk to him, one on one when you have the chance, ok?" I say before may comes bursting into the room

"Y/N" He yells before rushing to hug y/n

"Hi Matthew" she says smiling at he hugs her tightly, Chris follows behind Matt.

Y/n sees Chris and her face lights up like I've never seen

"Hi Chris" she says letting go of the hug from Matt

"Hi y/n" He replies. I give a look to Matt, he gets the message and leaves the room with me.

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