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The door swung open, there infront of me was my mom.


"Mom" I say blankly. "Where's dad?"

She points to the living room, where my dad was sitting in a rocking chair, staring at the TV.

I take a seat next to him

"Hey, dad. You alright?" I ask him

He doesn't respond.

"He's been non-responsive lately"

"Then why not take him to the hospital? Haven't you thought about that?" I ask

"Well..." she pauses.

How is my dad dying and she's claimed to only have taken him to the doctor once. That makes no sense.

"Look, I'm only in California for a week. Then I'm going back to Massachusetts" I stand up

"No, sweetie. We need you to stay. I need you to stay"

"What for?"

She didn't answer, that's when I knew something was up. There's no way my dad was non-responsive and not in a hospital.

"Let's take him to the hospital, mom. It's for the best. I'll drive" I say.

I grab the keys and help my dad into the car. Then I begin heading for the hospital.

If my dad was really sick, might aswell get him some treatment, right?

The whe drive my mom kept glancing back at my dad. I caught her mouthing to him, but it was probably her reassuring him that everything was going to be ok.

My parents seemed different, well clearly my dad was. But my mom seemed like she was nicer, like she didn't make me feel like shit when i was growing up.

I pulled into the driveway of the hospital. We walked my dad into the hospital.

When we got him situated in a room, I got a call from Chris.

"Hey, what's up?"

"You doing ok?"

"Yeah, why?"

"Nothing, you've just been gone for a while"

"Yeah, I might not come back to lauras house until tommorow morning. I'm not sure yet though"


"It's ok, I'll be fine. I'll call you in the morning ok?"


"Ok. Bye, love you"

"Love you"


I was honestly getting really worried for y/n. I know it's just her mom, but based on the way y/n said her mom treated her makes me really worried.

On the phone, y/n didn't sound stressed she sounded layed back. Which was weird because on the plane she had told me how her mom makes her skin crawl and stuff.

I had no room to speak though. Nick, Matt and I only came for moral support. Which means whatever happens while y/n is with her mom, isn't our business unless y/n decides to tell us about it.

I could tell everyone was worried about her. She was this perfectly kind person that deserved much more than what she got as a kid.

The fact that she even has to go through this isn't fair. That's why Nick, Matt and I have tried our best In every way possible to help when it comes to her.

Madi and Laura feel the same way. I'm just hoping that whatever goes on while we are here in California, I hope nothing bad happens to y/n.

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