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The whole car ride was fun, Nick fell asleep, Matt and I took turns driving like 2 times. Chris and I sat in the back singing random songs off of one of his playlists.

Soon we arrived to wherever we were going. Matt told me he wasn't going to tell me until we got there.

Getting out of the car we were in a parking lot in the city. The city was big and beautiful.

"Ok, so what we have planned is to take you to your college for a little visit so you can look around campus grounds and stuff, then we get food and hang out around town...sound good?" Matt asks

"Yeah, sounds great!" I smile

I was very excited, college and hanging out.

I was only going to college for art, I was in love with art since I could remember so I wanted to major in something graphic design related

"Ok so your school should be about a couple blocks from here, we can walk" Matt says looking at a GPS map on his phone

I was going to college at Massachusetts College of Art and Design, it's where my mom went when she was in college.

Overall the day went by fast, a lot of laughing and jokes. We drove around a lot, talking about random things. Nick being Nick and just genuinely having fun.

It was around the end of our trip. We were all sitting in the car in an empty parking lot, having a conversation.

We were sitting in the car eating McDonald's and talking, it reminded me of the YouTube channel.

We were having a random conversation when randomly Nick blurts out,

"Y/n you should hang out with us a lot more"

I smile, because I had never encountered a person who wanted me around like that

Even though I had Lucy, Luke and Carmella. I still felt like this was a new experience.

"Definitely" I say.

Before I went to public school I wasn't all about expanding my friend group. But as I got older I understood its better for me.

Our conversations grew longer over time that we spent in the car.

I felt like I had to bring it up, but in a call way.

"Y'know Lucy found you guys on YouTube" I laugh, it was funny.

"No way really?!" Matt says looking back at me

I nod my head.

"Im not surprised" Nick begins "we have like over 1.5 million followers"

I was glad I got it out before it got weird. I didn't want to cause awkwardness between us.

"What is y/n records with us one time? That would be fun" Chris says

I was hoping one of them would say that, I wasn't all for fame but I didn't want to die unrecognized.

"Sure, why not" I shrug, why not

The conversations faded into other conversations and we just continue on and on.

Eventually, I looked down at my phone, my eyes widened as I looked at the time.

"Holy shit, it's almost 2 am" I chuckle

"Yeah. I'm getting tired" Nick says even though he had slept for a large portion of the car ride.

They dropped my off at the apartment, I felt like a real teenager again. I tried sneaking inside without Carmella catching me.

I unlocked the door, came inside and shut the door silently.

I was expecting Carmella to turn the kitchen light on like what happens in every movie when the teen sneaks out, but it didn't happen for me.

Carmella didn't pop into he kitchen and scold me, the coast was clear.

I step into my room and turn the light on.


Carmella was sitting on my bed.

"Where have you been?" She stands up and whisper-screams at me.

"I was out in the city" I say calmly, if I had a tone, her tone would get more aggressive.

Although I was never afraid of Carmella. I just don't like hearing her angry because it only irritates me.

"At 2 Am?!" She crosses her arms

"I was with the triplets, we were having fun!" I shrug "Carmella, I'm pretty much an adult, and I'm older than you"

"Whatever, have you eaten?" She asks me looking at my phone that I put on the desk.

It was still unlocked and it was showing a photo of my and the triplets at a fountain.

She looked at all the photos we had taken today by the time she had finished looking at them she was smiling.

"You like him" she says to me

"No I don't like Chris, I've told you that already"

"No, you like matt" I almost let out a laugh

"No! I don't like any of them like that" I defend


I think for a second, then it hits me

"...you like Matt" I say pointing to her

"No, sure he's cute but I don't like him like that"

"Mhm" I smile in the mirror, taking out my hair from its hairstyle.

Carmella hugs me goodnight and leaves my room, I realized how quiet it is where out new apartment was.

No constant honking or yelling like in the city.

I get a text on my phone, I reach for it to see who it was, someone made a groupchat.

M: I'm glad we hung out today

Me too, thanks for inviting me

M: Of course! For we next 2 weeks are a little busy so we won't be able to hang our for a little bit

That's fine! Have fun wherever your going or whatever your doing!

N: Thanks

C: See you in 2 weeks!!

I toss my phone on the bed, change straight into my pajamas and go to bed.

My mom and dad aren't religious, but every now and then I would pray to god when they weren't looking.

Most of the time it was because I was so thankful for something, I had to tell God that I was grateful.

I thanked my lucky stars for another chance at a better life for myself.

With that I went to bed

Chris Sturniolo × fem readerWhere stories live. Discover now