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Carmella packed all my stuff in suitcases and boxes. She loaded it in my car and waited for me to leave.

By the time she was done my room was completely empty, except for the bed and night stand.

I was angry, sure, but if I were her I probably would have done the same.

I drove off, not looking back.

I drove my car to an empty parking lot. There were other cars but they looked abandoned. I was going to have to sleep in my car for tonight.

I know Carmella said to go live with the triplets but I wasn't just going to pull up to their house and say...'hey! I just got kicked out. Can I stay here for a while?'

I set up my car so all the seats were flat, like a giant bed.

I grabbed a blanket and pillow and layed down to go to sleep. It was almost 2 in the morning.

Chris POV

It was almost 2 in the morning. Matt and Nick were still awake. So I asked if we could go film.

"Yeah sure, if Matt's up for it" Nick looked over to Matt.

"Yeah, let's go!" He says

Before we get in the car, I grab some snacks and Nick grabbed a blanket.

We drove for about 10 minutes looking for a empty parking lot.

We found one by a old store that went our of business.

There were other cars in the parking lot but they all looked trashed and abandoned.

Soon Nick git out of the car to get the camera set up and when he came back in the car, we began filming.

Your POV

I woke up not long after I fell asleep. There was another car coming into the parking lot.

It drove and parked a couple spots away from my car.

I made sure to stay hidden so that incase it was a killer, they wouldn't be able to see me.

I heard a car door open and close. Then it opened and closed again. I was beggining to actually think there was a killer or a stalker near my car.

Ofcourse I peeked, and looked at who was in the car.

I saw 2 people in the front seat and one person in the back. The car looked like Matt's.

Holy shit

I didn't want to accidently scare them so I texted Chris and told him to look to the car next to him.


Hey Chris, look at
the car to your right

What why?

Just do it


probably freaked him out a little bit, until he saw me. He got out of the car to come talk to me.

"What are you doing out here? It's almost 3 in the morning?" He asks me.

"You want me to be honest?" I ask, he nods "tell the other two to come over here" I say

Once all three of them were in my car. I began telling them exactly what happened.

"...then I texted Chris because I saw you guys pull into the parking lot" I finish the story.

"Holy shit...so your like...homeless now?" Matt asks.

I nod.

"I didn't want to just come to you guys' house and just ask to stay" I said

"You should have" Nick said.

They comforted me while I vented about it.

"Just come stay with us for a while. It'll be ok" Nick invites


"Yeah, besides our mom already loves you" Chris says.

Chris gets in my car and we follow Matt and Nick to their house.

When we get there. All three of them help me get my stuff out of the car and into the guest room.

"This is your new room" Matt says, putting down the last box

"Thank you guys so so much" I say, I couldn't have been more greatful.

"Of course, we got you, y/n" Nick says while hugging me.

"Ok, this is sweet and all but I need to go to bed. I'm still jet lagged" Chris says.

"Kid, you say this every time we get home from a flight" Nick says.

"I know! Good night guys, love you" Chris says.

"Good night guys" I say.

I checked my phone before going to bed

6 missed calls from LuCyyyyy 💕

I shut my phone off and went to bed.

Ok, I actually didn't intend on putting out 2 parts today but why not.

Again, I wanna thank ross_steinv35 for the request.

I hope you guys like the story.

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