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It had been 2 whole weeks of doing basically nothing and moving all of our furniture in the house.

Carmella would be constantly dragging me around when all i wanted to do was go back to bed.

After that day I had spent with the triplets in the city, I hadn't done anything other than work.

Of course, I would go out with lucy luke and Carmella, but I felt like I was missing something, surely it couldn't be the triplets.

It's impossible to miss a group of people that you've only known for less than a month but only hung out for couple days. Right?

Even though everything was boring, Chris and I would talk on facetime every night before he went to bed.

Before he left I had no idea he was going to California, when I found out he was already there.

Not that i wanted to go with him, I was tired of Cali, it seemed so...used

Every night before Chris went to bed he would call me and we would talk for a good hour or two.

Just getting to know more about eachother and being supportive because we both felt a little alone while he was away.

Mainly I felt alone, I didn't want to abandon my friends but I didn't know how to feel. It was honestly embarrassing how much I missed the three of them, the triplets.

I knew once they got back we would just start hanging out again.

But me and chris, our connection was weird but interesting, there was always a vibe or a tension between us. Even through the phone.

It was 2 weeks after they all had left, Chris called me. I wasn't doing anything important so I picked up the phone.

"Hey" I said calmly

"Y/n...we're coming back tommorow" He says in a childish voice that still somehow sounded like his voice

"Are you serious?" I smile into the camera

"We're serious" Nick interjects, putting his nose and chin in the camera

"Finally, it's about time" I laugh at Nick

"So what are we doing" Nick asks me.

I shrug, I assumed he meant what did I want to do when they came back.

What I really wanted to do was just hug Chris, I missed him. Even though we talked every night, I still missed him.

I didn't want to hug him like I like him or anything but I feel like a hug, from Chris, and Matt, and Nick... they give good hugs

"We could...go to dinner or-" I begin

"That's a good idea, imma go tell Matt" Nick says before leaving the camera view and walking out of Chris's room

"Sorry about that" Chris laughs

"It's fine" I say "so what have you guys been doing LA?"

Our conversations were no longer awkward like stranger's conversations, we always filled the air with conversation. Like we always had something to talk about.

Whenever he spoke to me about something he was excited about, his body language would change, his words became a sort of passionate, it was kinda cute.

"Just hanging around, doing nothing really" He says

"Your YouTube channel says otherwise"

He drops his phone flat on the bed he goes silent. I start to laugh knowing he's behind the camera embarrassed.

"Are you stalking us?!" He tries playing it off

"No! But I've watched maybe one from last week, it was funny" I say

Eventually a conversation about his YouTube career is.

Thank God, I've been wanting to know more about it

He tells me all about the process of their videos and how it all works out.

He tells me about Madi and how they met her and how they met Alahna.

He tells me all about how he really wants me to meet Madi, Madi sounds like a familiar name but I know so many girls with that name.

I haven't talked to alahna in a little while.

He talks about the things he wants to do for some of their videos.

I didn't mind him doing all the talking, I liked listening to him talk.

Soon the conversation faded to him almost falling asleep on the phone with me.

"Ok, Chris. Go to bed, you're falling asleep"

"No, y/n. I'm not falling asleep i promise"

"Yes you are" I say watching his head droop

"Ok, fine I'm going. Goodnight y/n, I love you"

"Goodnight Chris. I love you too"

As soon as he hung up I looked up at the ceiling.

I heard a sound from my doorway

"Are you guys dating yet? I heard you say I love you"

I look up at Lucy and Carmella watching me

"We're just friends, friends can say I love you" it's true, anyone can say I love you to someone and mean it platonically

"You so like him" Lucy smiles while picking at her nails

"And he has to like you, he was the one to say I love you first" Carmella blurts

"Oh my God, were friends! Thats it, im not forcing him to like me back if he doesnt like me." I retort realizing I admitted to liking him

I look at them and they are looking at eachother, smiling and smirking.

I realized what was going to happen, I immediately got up just before they began their song


"Get out" I shove them out of my room and shut the door. They were still quietly singing the song behind the closed door.

I smiled and rolled my eyes, even though I told them, I know for a fact they aren't going to let it go.

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