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I had spent 2 more weeks at my moms house. My dad still wasn't recovering. I had uninvolved from my college. And I was still thinking all about Chris.

I sent him a few texts but he never opened them.

Today I had decided to clean out some of my mom's office stuff.

I was going through drawers throwing out shit from 2017. Then I came across a file buried in the pile. It was from a month ago.

The file was drafted clearly, because it looked unfinished...

Dear Dr. Norman,

I hate to ask you this kind of question or ask of this sort of favor, but I promise it will come with the right price. All that needs to be done on your side is make it seem as if my husband had a terminal disease. I need this for personal matters. The deal begins at 100 thousand dollars.

The page was scribbled on and looked as if it was a mess-up. I stood up and took the paper with me and crumbled it into a ball.

Storming into the room where my mom was with my father I threw the paper in her direction. She took it, her facial expression immediately changing.

"What the hell mom? You did all of this just to get me home?"

"Y/n wait-"

"I unenrolled from college for you and dad all for it to be a joke! I rejected the boy I loved for some sick ass joke!"

"Watch your language, y/n"

I walk infront of my father. I see tears in his eyes

"Are you even dying?" His face changes from expressionless to sadness

I stand up straight and go to my room. I fall on my bed and I cry. I cried then I called Madi and Laura asking if they can come get me.

I packed my things and got ready to leave my house for good.

"Y/n wait. I just wanted to see your face. I wanted us to be a family again. I wanted you to be in a nice family like us."

"I have a better family already." I say before closing the door behind me.

I felt so good, so nice so happy. I wanted to see the triplets again. When Madi and Laura came to get me they had told me the triplets flew back to Massachusetts a couple of days ago.

I told them both the entire story, except for the part where Chris told me he loved me.

"You can just call the triplets and let them know you're coming back" Laura says

So as soon as we got back to lauras house I grabbed my phone and facetimed Nick

"Holy shit! Y/n!" He said as soon as he picked up the phone

"Hi Nick...where are the other two?"

"Matt's asleep and uh...Chris....I don't think he really wants to talk to you"

"What? Why-" I paused "oh"

"Yeah, he told is what happened...why didn't you say anything back?"

I felt like crying again, I think I'd cried more in this past month than I ever have in my life.

"I was going to, but then it would have made me stay and I had to go help my dying dad, who turned out to not be dying at all-"

"Wait what?" He interrupted me

"It's a long story"

"Should I book a flight to come get you? And you can tell me everything?"

I shake my head

"Ok I'll come as soon as possible"

With that he hung up the phone.

That's why I loved Nick, he could be such a pain in the ass but he isn't afraid to book a flight just to come get you.

I decided to tell Madi about the thing that happened with Chris. She almost laughed at me

"Why are you laughing?" I ask

"Because, y/n you're so...blind"


"Chris clearly cares about you and he literally told you he loves you...and you said nothing about it!"

Madi knew I had a crush on him. I'm starting to think she knew he liked me.

"You knew didn't you" I ask her

She smiled before saying


I cover my face with a pillow with embarrassment flowing through my bones.

"And if you don't say anything to him when you see him...for fucks sake, y/n-"

"Ok ok! I'll say something to him" I laugh taking the pillow off my face

"Yeah, you better"

I spent the rest of the day with Madi we talked about what I was going to tell Chris and what we thought was gonna happen when I told him.

We laughed and did literally everything before I had to get all my things packed up and ready to go for when Nick came to pick me up.

I thanked Laura and Madi about a thousand times. I couldn't be more grateful for the two of them.


Sorry this part took so long to put out lol I was dying my hair (coincidentally like Nick)

Thank you to _julia_parker_ and ross_steinv35 for all the amazing ideas they've given me, and for the amount of times they saved my ass when I didn't know what to write. Tyyy

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