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I ended up spending 3 whole nights at my moms house. When I came back, Chris seemed upset. I had no idea why.

I was determined to talk to him about it today. So I walked in the room he was staying in to talk to him about it.

When he saw it was mee at his door he completely ignored me.

"Chris...what's wrong?" I ask taking a seat on the floor infront of his bed which he had been laying on

He didn't answer at all.


"You're gonna stay aren't you?"


"You're gonna stay with your parents. Even though they treated you like shit" He says in a tone I hadn't ever heard from him

He seemed annoyed and upset. What would he be upset at me for? Did I fuck up again?

"You sound upset" I say, getting nervous

"...im not" He says hesitantly

I knew he was lying, and he knew that I knew.

"Did I do something wrong?" I ask bringing my knees to my chest

"We insisted on coming with you so that we could be your emotional support, so we came all the way here with you. And it just seems like you don't care"

"Chris I do care" I say. Why was he being so sensitive.

"You never answered my question, you're staying aren't you?"


"Ok" with that he walked out of the room.

You can't blame me. My dad is dying and my mom needs support, sure she was a bitch to me but that doesn't mean I can't still care for them.

I got up, after sitting for a second. When I opened the door the boys were standing at the door, as if they were going to come in the room to talk to me.

I watched them as they waited for me to say something. But I just passed them and didn't say a word.

I grabbed my left over things and called an Uber.

As I was waiting on the steps it began to rain. Ofcourse. I heard the front door open then close and I heard steps coming towards me.

"Y/n" it was chris

Just then I got a notification saying my Uber was going to be a little bit late. I rolled my eyes out of frustration.

"Look, I'm sorry. Please please please don't go" I stand up and look him in the eyes

I had a reasonable reason to stay but I also had a reason to go.

"Please y/n" He looks like he was going to cry "Look, I may not be able to convince you to do anything. So if you're really going to leave I need to say something"

I felt about a thousand pounds of guilt wave over me yet he hadn't said anything yet.

"I love you, and I have since we got to know eachother. I couldn't wait to tell you, I wanted to tell you every single night that we were alone together. And I regret not saying anything." He goes silent "I just wanted to let you know"

I heard the Uber Honk behind me. I look him in the eyes

"Chris-" I feel tears well up in my eyes. "I'll fly back in a week or two to come pick up the rest of my things"

I turn on my heel and grab my bags. I shove everything into the trunk and hop in the passenger seat of the car.

I watch his face as i drive away. I began to cry harder at the sight of it.

"Boy issues huh?" The Uber driver says. She looked about maybe my age, slightly older.

I sniffle and give an awkward laugh


"Trust me, whether you feel the same for that kid or not, you should find someone that you really care about, someone you know will always have your back no matter what. Even if something happened in the past" she says to me.

I smile at her and thank her. She didn't know it, and neither did i...but the lecture she had just given me was the exact thing that I needed.

Chris Sturniolo × fem readerWhere stories live. Discover now